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What is the best translator for SL

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No, it won't work in IM.  I don't know any translator in SL that does.  In the case of IM, I use Google Translate on the web (https://translate.google.com/) but that is a bit of a pain.  :)

However, Q-Translator has a way you can send private messages to someone else in the same region.  It's not as convenient as IM, but it gives you a little bit of privacy.

Q-Translator can be set to detect languages, but only those in nearby chat.  I haven't used this feature, so I don't know how well it works.

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On 1/26/2021 at 8:46 AM, KanzulR said:

thank you so much.

will it work in the IM?

automatically detect and translate?


sorry for the curiousity

Q-Translator WILL work in IM but *only* if both avatars are in the same region; it is an excellent translator and the one I use

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