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Having an odd issue with PRIM_TEXTURE. I have a bar, the bar itself is rotated 90 degrees. In turn the texture displayed on the bar is rotated 90 degrees. This all looks normal until I update the bar using 


This doesn't set the texture rotation at 90 degrees, it sets it at 116.61988. To test this I also set the rotation of the texture at 180 and 270 using PRIM_TEXTURE and on both occasions it gave skewed results. The wiki states the rotation should be in radians so using 90.0 should work as it does if you enter 90.0 on the built panel.

No other modifications to the prim or texture have been made so the other vectors should be accurate.

Any ideas?

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27 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

If you want to rotate it 90 degrees, type PI/2 instead.

Or 90*DEG_TO_RAD for us mere mortals.

32 minutes ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

The wiki states the rotation should be in radians so using 90.0 should work as it does if you enter 90.0 on the built panel.

The build tools panel displays everything in degrees, not radians.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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