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Logged out of Second Life every time l log in


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After 1 minute of logging in, I get this message every time.

"Darn. You have been logged out of Second Life. This region may be experiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the internet."

This is the first time I log into SL after 7+ years, and I cant log in for more than a minute. I tried going into several different places and the same problem. 



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21 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

Do you happen to be on wifi? Because that often causes similar issues. If you are on wifi, try moving closer to the router and see if that helps any.

I was on wifi, but I just switched with a ethernet cord for streaming, and the issue now lets me get online for about 5 minutes, then logs me out. 



10 hours ago, Odaks said:

A silly question, I hope, but have you updated your viewer? A seven-year-old viewer will get booted.

Not a silly question! It makes sense to ask. I'm using a new computer, and updated viewer. 


9 hours ago, Oz Linden said:

This is the symptom that you get if something is dropping your UDP packets. Check all the firewalls on your system and network. 

Would you know any tutorials on UDP packets for Mac? 



^^^ Thank you for the suggestions, I really hope to play this game again! 

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I had this same issue a while back. Here's what I did and it works (or at least worked for me and a few others). Reboot your router (if  accessible  via the router page) If it's a full wireless set up, as in not hardline internet (to your residence), reboot the antenna as well once the router is finished rebooting. If you cant access the router page, then just hard boot the router by unplugging it , wait 2-5 minutes, then plug it back in and wait for it to recycle (fully start up). 


Once you've done that, something else that may help a bit more ( and may even help reduce packet loss and/or crashing), lower your over all settings a bit, especially your bandwidth setting (under Preferences/Network & Files) . Another thing you can do to help prevent issues is to not be streaming, like with y/t while you're on SL. Listening to music in-world doesn't have as big of an impact, but streaming while being on SL does (for those with similar connectivity issues). 


Again I fought this same issue for several months, for me it was so random, sometimes I could go a full day without issue, then the next day, I'd get disconnected every few minutes, to every 30-50 minutes. But since I've started rebooting the router (which has to be done - at least at my end, every 3-5 days) the problem went away. 

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