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Importing a custom Quadruped Avatar mesh - Arm Issues!


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Hello there, 

I have a Quadruped Avatar that i'm trying to upload. however I've been having an issue with the arms of the skeleton. 

This is what I've exported out of Maya : https://gyazo.com/b5edb33ff64c08c86bf3a94423db65d7

This is the upload preview: https://gyazo.com/6b0914e861d68be8eb2064355d83c073

As you can see for some reason the arms have folded under the body.

Inworld with the joints shown: https://gyazo.com/fe23c7201d84b437ac2f0a5ae7a1cedb


If anyone has any ideas i'd greatly appreciate the help!

~ Li Li

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1 hour ago, LiLiMonsta said:

Hello there, 

I have a Quadruped Avatar that i'm trying to upload. however I've been having an issue with the arms of the skeleton. 

This is what I've exported out of Maya : https://gyazo.com/b5edb33ff64c08c86bf3a94423db65d7

This is the upload preview: https://gyazo.com/6b0914e861d68be8eb2064355d83c073

As you can see for some reason the arms have folded under the body.

Inworld with the joints shown: https://gyazo.com/fe23c7201d84b437ac2f0a5ae7a1cedb


If anyone has any ideas i'd greatly appreciate the help!

~ Li Li

It's completely normal behavior. What you're seeing is the result of human animations playing on a completely different shape. Make a pose for it in the quadrupedal stance and you'll see that it all works. 😉

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