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Mesh body wear problems

Filo Minnelli

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Hello, I'm new so please excuse me for the perhaps trivial questions.
I tried to search for the topic with no success.
I am trying to use a mesh body for the first time.
In particular I am using MAX from Altamura which I found for free.
I wore :
MAX Eyebrows shape
MAX Shape
MAX fullbody
up here everything looks ok
When I try to wear a dress it shows the part of the body under the dress
even if I load the specific alpha layer that came with the suit.
In practice, the specific alpha layer of the dress does not mask the body mesh.

What am I doing wrong?
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As far as I know the MAX body is not BOM enabled or Omega compatible.

BOM will put textures worn on the system body on your meshbody, including alphas. Omega will apply textures to your meshbody using an applier which has to be installed into the meshbody, if it does not already have it. (I think Altamura have a free or L$1 BOM enabled male meshbody that is - you may have to be a group member however to get this gift.)

All you can do is use the MAX HUD to set alphas.

And yes, the body does not remember the alpha  setting for this outfit. Other meshbodies have  "savesticks" or "presets" to give you that ability. 

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It's called "TakeMyWay". It is L$150 to join the group and L$1 to purchase the BOM body - I will warn you he has reddish lips which can't be changed.

It may be worth looking at Skell's blog - https://virtualbloke.com/archives/3931.

There is also The Shops! male meshbody (L$1) - which is a BOM compatible but functional demo version of their male (older - I think) meshbody - here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Shops/28/22/500.

Clothes are a little tricky for this body... I think TMP fits, but hardly anyone makes for that size now...

Good luck!


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