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Can't log into SL


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I had the same problem.  It seemed to have something to do with my home location.  Once I was finally able to log in, I re-set it to the other side of my house and the problem went away.  Don't know if that will work for you but you could try it.

Edited by TT120
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12 hours ago, Wondergirl216 said:

Thanks, I'll try to reset my home location when I'm able to login.

Have you tried logging into some other location than your home?   Instead of attempting to log in to your home location, on the viewer login location area, you could set the location to some other region - for example Pooley which is a mostly ocean LL region (so you might land at the bottom of the sea) but still, a safe place to try logging in to. 

Once you are logged in you can try reaching your house, or some other location you have a landmark for, or bring up the map and search for your home region, to see if you can at least get to your home region.

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