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Greefing and the extent of damage someone can do to someone's computer

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6 minutes ago, CrucibleSteel said:

I am curious, I have a friend that is trying to get out of an abusive relationship here in SL. The person that wants the relationship to continue has threatened my friend by telling them that they have huds that will crash and destroy their computer. Is this possible?


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7 minutes ago, CrucibleSteel said:

but by greefing it would just cause my friend to be disrupted

from their game play

They need to block the person and avoid places for awhile that the abuser knows they go to.  Can't grief you if they can't find you.

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4 hours ago, CrucibleSteel said:

I am curious, I have a friend that is trying to get out of an abusive relationship here in SL. The person that wants the relationship to continue has threatened my friend by telling them that they have huds that will crash and destroy their computer. Is this possible?

IF your friend keeps the Maximum Complexity setting - in Preferences / Graphics -- set to the max, then yes someone could cause their computer to overheat and shut down.  The objects that do so are known as 'graphic crashers'.

Simple solution -- NEVER, EVER, EVER have that slider max out.  As long as your friend does not max out that slider, keeping it set to a reasonable value, the person will be safe.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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damage? if the video card is already having issues,  it could finish it,  but a good working card with tons of air flow with the proper drivers,  it will just make the driver crash on any modern windows system,   people threatening to hurt any ones system is full of themselves and trying to do the noob scare,  there are people just like in real life that get off on being a bully, your friend found one.

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1 hour ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

damage? if the video card is already having issues,  it could finish it,  but a good working card with tons of air flow with the proper drivers,  it will just make the driver crash on any modern windows system,   people threatening to hurt any ones system is full of themselves and trying to do the noob scare,  there are people just like in real life that get off on being a bully, your friend found one.

I've had that happen a couple of times.  Annoying, yes but you're right, no harm done.  I will say the first time it happened, it did worry me.  

6 hours ago, CrucibleSteel said:

Very true, Thank you for your help


Also of interest since talking about the graphics crasher


Edited by RowanMinx
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I've heard for years about graphics crashers that can "destroy your graphics card". All such reports seem to be at third hand or more; I have never spoken to a credible witness who actually had their graphics card blown up.

IMO, a graphics crasher can dump you out of SL, and that's it. And if you keep your avatar complexity slider at 350K or lower, as LittleMe suggests, even that is highly unlikely.

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Years and years ago I encountered a griefer (not targeting me specifically, but rather the location I was in at the time) who used a worn object that I understand was an invisible but highly complex large object that crashed me out. It did not immediately fry my graphics card but I did start getting further issues with it immediately thereafter, and it died completely about three months later. 

So yes, I think it was possible, but with the built-in protections now available, such as restricting avatar complexity, it's now a thing of the past.

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