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Mirrored city sim

Mikolan Lutrova

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Maybe someone could help me out.

I've been out of SL for a bit but there was a city build sim that had rain puddles on the ground. If you looked the puddles, you'd see an actual reflection of the city. Basically the sim builder had mirrored the city to create the effect. Overall, I seem to recall the city having a sort of dark urban asian almost cyberpunk feel to it. It wasn't really a RP dedicated sim but was a fairly popular tourist destination. Wondering if this rings any bells for anyone and if so, maybe know the name and if it's still around? Really hoping, and trying, to find it again but about to give up hope.

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47 minutes ago, animats said:

Someone did that for a big one-time event a few years ago. They had the whole build inverted under the ground, and you could see it in water.

And if yours is the one I am thinking of it was so unbelievably laggy (outside, not inside the booth buildings) that the place had to be closed down and rebuilt a bit. To be fair that was horribly heavy mesh and made in "builders assets" and then that mesh got multiplied by two.  It WOULD be fine to do if the builder actually knew what they were doing.  :SwingingFriends:

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I think I do recall it being laggy for me but I've always had a rather middle of the road PC, so a lot of sims are laggy for me and I wouldn't generally think much of it. As for whether it was a one time event? I don't know. I do know it was around for quite some time because I'd visited it a couple times, fairly well spaced apart, and both times being rather by accident. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the sim is gone now but figured I'd at least exhaust all chances of finding it before I assumed it's truly gone.

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