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Privacy Settings Override - Look at Target

Zynryuk Deir

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So, this is the thing.

I have my privacy settings filled so that my camera target hints are hidden. This means that nobody should be able to tell where I'm looking, right?

Today, at a public sim, I've met someone who could accurately tell where I was looking at from a distance of nearly 1000 meters.

I have RLV and any other such things disabled. Yes, I double checked my privacy settings.

In this person's words " It is a developer thing, but it is so well hidden that you need be told where to look, otherwise you'll not be able to find it ".

I'm on firestorm and no, I did not find anything in the advanced / developer menus that would shine a light on this.

The conversation was held in local, and my computer crashed at some point so, I can't fish the logs.


So, any clues on how this may be achieved (To suppress it, if possible)?

Edited by Zynryuk Deir
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I'm interested in knowing if it can be suppressed, somehow. To restore  the functionality of the privacy settings that this workaround apparently bypasses.

It seems like an abuse of something that users are not meant to have access to?

Edited by Zynryuk Deir
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32 minutes ago, Zynryuk Deir said:

I'm interested in knowing if it can be suppressed, somehow. To restore  the functionality of the privacy settings that this workaround apparently bypasses.

It seems like an abuse of something that users are not meant to have access to?

Someone asked a similar question before and the only way someone can track your camera is through an experience key.

I think you have to accept the experience first but I'm not 100% sure about that.

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Well, there is a way to fake knowing where someone is looking, but it's hardly reliable.  If you can get the UUID of the av you are curious about ( using llGetAgentList, for example ), you can then use llGetObjectDetails(av_UUID,[OBJECT_ROT]) to figure out which direction the av is facing.  Then you can compare that direction with a vector between you and the av.  That will only work if the av is either seated or in mouselook (otherwise it is totally unreliable), and even then it's merely telling you that the av is facing in your general direction.  It doesn't tell you that he's looking at you specifically.  ( That's also a general failing of the Look At crosshairs that you can activate in your viewer, of course.  All you can ever tell is that the person is facing more or less in your direction.  He might be looking at something over your shoulder or next to you. )

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Did you sit on an object belonging to said person at some point in the past?

Camera tracking permissions can be granted and stored indefinitely like animation permissions through sit vectors.

See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-13228

IMO, maintaining permissions of someone other than object owner should have been disallowed (intentionally broken) years ago.

There are better/legit/efficient ways of granting and using other user's permissions that don't depend on harvesting vectors.

But griefers, "attack HUD" creators and owners/historians/archivers of ancient/inefficiently scripted content will cry if it is ever broken.

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*Shakes head* No, I was just standing around. And, to my knowledge the person in question was just another visitor of the sim. None who was actually involved with  building (I know the person who did build the sim, and they did it by themselves with no help from others) the place.

I've asked around, and some have suggested this person was using a hud called 'emdash', which actually exists but, among its features there's nothing that makes it look like said hud can override other users privacy settings.

Another information I've come across is that the person in question may have tweaked a file into the SL installation folder so to modify the behavior of an option listed inside the debug settings console (ctrl+alt+shift+s) in order to achieve the desired result of overriding privacy settings.

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