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Custom Tattoo Commissions Open by Soleil et Lune

Fanta UwU

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I have decided to open my commissions once more! Specifically for custom tattoos!

Portfolio - https://www.flickr.com/photos/162145325@N08/

If wanting a commission, please contact me inworld at Fantasia {Muiregwen Resident}.



Accepted in either Paypal or Linden (paid before finalized, but refunds can happen before the finalized stage)


Requirements - Examples, Clear Description of Design, Color, Materials or None, and what Portion of the Body (Head,Upper,Lower). What Body and Head you use will be extremely helpful as well.

- About Five Days would be good to give a bit of freedom amount.

Appliers will only come in BoM/System, Legacy, Omega, and LelutkaEvo.
The default SLUV map is used more than half the time, and is unisex unless the design is specific to the gender.
Custom Tattoos are for Secondlife /and/ Personal use ONLY (they will be set to no transfer! They will however be Modifiable{only BoM/System} version and Copyable.
You will be sent a demo copy inworld to judge if you like it or needs tweaking. There is a maximum of two times this will be done. After the second time, the tattoo is final and cannot be refunded.
If backing out of the commission before final delivery, there will be either a 100% refund or 75% refund.

- 100% refund is before a demo is uploaded and sent.
- 75% refund is after a demo is uploaded and sent but not finalize. (2nd Demo is considered Finalized Stage)




Base Package {6$ | 2000L}

- 1 Color (Any)

- Simple Design (Head, Upper, and/or Lower)

- Two Demo Chances (2nd is finalized)

- Legacy, Omega, LelutkaEvo, and BoM/System Layers

- No Materials



- Materials {2$ | 500L}

- Extra Colors {Up to Five} {3$ | 900L}

- Complex Details {Resonable | Head, Upper, and/or Lower} {5$ | 1500L}


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