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Speaking as someone that does almost exclusively custom work, there's not a lot you can do to protect yourself that won't make you look like you're trying to scam or price gouge the customer.

Write everything down, communicate as much as possible. Generally problem customers show their colors before you get very deep in, if you talk to them enough.

Generally I'll either quote a price and expect half up front, or simply not take jobs where I'll be frustrated if things go bad.

Edited by Paul Hexem
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3 hours ago, liko211 said:

How do i go about selling custom work safely? :) some people might ask about refunds for no reason etc.

some people have policys what can i do to go about this safely? do i use a tipjar or what can i do.

Have demos available when you can.  Look around and price items within what is normal for the item.  

Looking at your MP store (if these are the items you're discussing), you offer no demos.  No one I know would spend that kind of money without being able to demo.  Also, the price is way too high for one color, flexi hair.  Also, is selling no copy, no mod, no transfer even a thing?  Why would anyone purchase something with NO permissions?  

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I did custom mesh and here is my procedure.

1. Tell the customer to give me detailed information using a notecard.

2. Establish an agreement:
(i). If the customer refuses to accept the final product, it will be sold in my marketplace. (Most of the customers are so kind and told me that I can sell it even after they accept and pay for it. So I'd thank them by giving 50% off).
(ii). Once the customer buys the product, the sales are final, and no modifications or refunds. If they need modifications, they have to pay.

3. That means we should accept custom works only if it has a market value.

4. After finishing the product, give a DEMO to the customer. (no modify product with 5 minutes testing time then auto deletion or if it is a cloth then DEMO logo over it).

5. Most of the time customers ask few corrections but that is the nature of the custom build.

6. If they keep asking for corrections many times, that means they are not happy with the product so proceed with the initial agreement.

7. If the customer likes the final product, then rez it in my land and set it for sale for the agreed price. The customer has to pay to get the product.

Personally, I never had any bad experiences. If the work for a friend, I don't make such terms at all. One of my friends paid me hugely in advance and I refunded it due to my delay. But still working on that project.

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