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Created new avatar off secondlife. How can i upload it?


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I think you get help in the builder's part of the forum. You can request this thread moved.


In this part, we just discuss, show off and use content already created. You should get help pretty quick - that part of the forum is quite active. It depends if somebody from Europe is there now, or else it is the ones from US, then you have to wait until they get up.

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A couple of people in SL make tools for working with avatars and clothes; Avastar and Mayastar. Both have tutorials on YouTube and Vimeo.

To go directly from Blender, 3D Max, and Maya to SL has a significant learning curve. The AvaStar and MayaStar add-ons handle a number of the gotchas so you don't have to deal with them. However, once you see the video tutorials you can figure out how to make the trip from your modeling program to SL without the add-ons.

There are also Blender, Max, and Maya groups in-world. Plus Builder's Brewery provides train for some modeling programs.

I have a lot of old tutorials stuff on my blog from when I was making stuff pre-add-on.

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