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Game of Homes - What Do You Want?

Rufferta Mainlander

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I confess I've been playing GOH lately, and I've been trying to figure out what it is I'm looking for. I tried to put together some thoughts:

  • square plot or end of row (houseboat)
  • view
  • attached to land (houseboats, stilts)
  • privacy - or at least one view without another structure
  • protected water nearby
  • place to put a boat and a place to sail (I'm not a good navigator and I need a wide straight channel)
  • neighbors who don't have flourescent palm trees
  • not a parcel with uncertain future - will the empty space next door be more houses or something nice?
  • A place that "feels right".

I know I'm asking a lot - what do you think?

Edited by Rufferta
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Your criteria will be easier to meet with some styles of homes than others, and you don't say what styles you're willing to live in.  And it's hard to know what you mean by 'privacy', or of course 'feels right'.  If you look through the Beautiful Abandons thread, you may be able to refine your thoughts :)

I can tell you that my partner and I probably have a Vic that fits your criteria, as well as a trad and probably this houseboat in Kuga, which was an abandon.  So it can be done.



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For the stilts, I'm looking for a good sunset view from the back deck with at least some view of the water. Framed by palm trees and vegetation a plus (like the OW stilt I have right next to an island). The sound of water as well as the gulls is important to me, so being in the *middle* of OL houses is least appealing, but I've seen several still-available OL houses backing onto the water that I really like. I know I won't find the sense of seclusion/privacy that I have with my trad (*no* visible neighbors, at all!) or log home or even the camper I abandoned yesterday. I'm playing GoH with the camper alt mainly to give decorating another style house a try. (Got to use all that Apple Fall merch somewhere!) Unless she gets a spectacular parcel, she'll be jumping on to chalets or older themes.

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1 hour ago, Rufferta said:

neighbors who don't have flourescent palm trees

Unfortunately, that can change in the blink of an eye.


For my Houseboat, I wanted a square parcel and something that wasn't sandwiched between other parcels -- so open on at least one side.

For my Traditional and upcoming Log Home search, I'm all about privacy.  I want to stand in my yard, on any side of my house, and not be able to look directly into someone else's yard & house.  I also prefer that any upper deck is also not looking directly into a neighbor's space.

I don't like the Vics at all -- just not my style, so there is no search want there.

The Stilts are just too open for my preference.  It would take way too many trees and bushes to give me the privacy I would want --- and that just seems to go against the vibe of what I think the Stilts are all about.

I am looking forward to the Chalets that are coming.  I'm hoping for some locations with privacy similar to the Traditionals or Log Cabins.


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20 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Unfortunately, that can change in the blink of an eye.


For my Houseboat, I wanted a square parcel and something that wasn't sandwiched between other parcels -- so open on at least one side.

For my Traditional and upcoming Log Home search, I'm all about privacy.  I want to stand in my yard, on any side of my house, and not be able to look directly into someone else's yard & house.  I also prefer that any upper deck is also not looking directly into a neighbor's space.

I don't like the Vics at all -- just not my style, so there is no search want there.

The Stilts are just too open for my preference.  It would take way too many trees and bushes to give me the privacy I would want --- and that just seems to go against the vibe of what I think the Stilts are all about.

I am looking forward to the Chalets that are coming.  I'm hoping for some locations with privacy similar to the Traditionals or Log Cabins.



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My GoHs preferences tend to be of the "I'll know it when I see it" variety, but I never seem to actually see it, and when I think I know what I want, I'm never able to get it.  It doesn't stop me from trying.  

For stilts, I want some land, but I do not want to be connected to a pier or on a road.  Even though I want some land, I am limited to OW stilts because I prefer the Havana, and the OW Havanas have a light grey main section of roof that upsets my OCD.  I also prefer unobstructed views of the water, so I can't have other OW homes on the water side.  

There are actually a fair number of stilts that meet my picky requirements, but I will find flaws with all of them, ands I'm not lucky enough to get one without help anyway.  This morning I got the same exact home three rolls in a row.  

While I wait to land the perfect home that doesn't exist, I very slowly decorate the one I have, lamenting that fact that my preferred home model doesn't have a bare wall for a bed.  I's just as well, as I will spend most of my time on the deck, (mostly) silently judging the décor of my neighbors.  


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2 hours ago, Matthieu Quander said:

My GoHs preferences tend to be of the "I'll know it when I see it" variety, but I never seem to actually see it, and when I think I know what I want, I'm never able to get it.  It doesn't stop me from trying.  

For stilts, I want some land, but I do not want to be connected to a pier or on a road.  Even though I want some land, I am limited to OW stilts because I prefer the Havana, and the OW Havanas have a light grey main section of roof that upsets my OCD.  I also prefer unobstructed views of the water, so I can't have other OW homes on the water side.  

There are actually a fair number of stilts that meet my picky requirements, but I will find flaws with all of them, ands I'm not lucky enough to get one without help anyway.  This morning I got the same exact home three rolls in a row.  

While I wait to land the perfect home that doesn't exist, I very slowly decorate the one I have, lamenting that fact that my preferred home model doesn't have a bare wall for a bed.  I's just as well, as I will spend most of my time on the deck, (mostly) silently judging the décor of my neighbors.  


I completely butchered this.  I won't bother correcting the typos, but did want to clarify that it is the OL Havanas with the mismatched roofs.  In case you haven't noticed here's a photo.  It's only the OL Havanas.  All other stilts have uniformly darker roofs.  


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30 minutes ago, Matthieu Quander said:

I completely butchered this.  I won't bother correcting the typos, but did want to clarify that it is the OL Havanas with the mismatched roofs.  In case you haven't noticed here's a photo.  It's only the OL Havanas.  All other stilts have uniformly darker roofs.  



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I have my lovely Log Home that I refuse to give up, and two of my alts I use for linden homes were able to claim a OL  and OP Stilt respectively. All three give me what I want.  I will give one up (more than likely the OP) if and when there is an updated Meadowbrook release.  That is my Linden dream home.  As far as where it is located, etc., I will know when I see it.

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1 hour ago, Matthieu Quander said:

I completely butchered this.  I won't bother correcting the typos, but did want to clarify that it is the OL Havanas with the mismatched roofs.  In case you haven't noticed here's a photo.  It's only the OL Havanas.  All other stilts have uniformly darker roofs.  



@Abnor Mole - Is it maybe a goof that got missed?  To have that one type of home have the two lower pieces of the roof not match the rest seems a tad odd.  The other 3 styles also have lower roof sections, but the roof color matches exactly on those.


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2 hours ago, Matthieu Quander said:

I completely butchered this.  I won't bother correcting the typos, but did want to clarify that it is the OL Havanas with the mismatched roofs.  In case you haven't noticed here's a photo.  It's only the OL Havanas.  All other stilts have uniformly darker roofs. 


This is not a problem.  The house is simply wearing a layered turtleneck.




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I have to say that my alt  - who just landed an OK stilt house earlier tonight - is, for the second time, experiencing serious "abandoner's regret" - first it was the Vic in Century and now it's the Camper in Wood. Isn't it strange that different avi's have different wants/needs? I'm *very* pleased with the stilt I got Christmas day (using the Lauderdale), but I don't want to replicate it elsewhere (unless I get a dream parcel). So that means using one of the three other house types and I just haven't gotten on with any of them. I thought I'd absolutely love the Havana, and that having successfully decorated a Camper with this alt, now having twice the LI to use would be a doddle, but nothing I wanted to do works. So I tried the Santiago - still difficult to do what I want with the kitchen and bedroom. I don't like the Tortuga, but will give it a chance tomorrow... but I am wishing I could return to my place in Wood. Sorry about the rambling - I've all but pulled an all-nighter (5:44am here) and my brain is as fuzzy as my fingers are cold. Tomorrow is another day.

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12 hours ago, Rufferta said:

I confess I've been playing GOH lately, and I've been trying to figure out what it is I'm looking for. I tried to put together some thoughts:

  • square plot or end of row (houseboat)
  • view
  • attached to land (houseboats, stilts)
  • privacy - or at least one view without another structure
  • protected water nearby
  • place to put a boat and a place to sail (I'm not a good navigator and I need a wide straight channel)
  • neighbors who don't have flourescent palm trees
  • not a parcel with uncertain future - will the empty space next door be more houses or something nice?
  • A place that "feels right".

I know I'm asking a lot - what do you think?

Well....It's natural to have an ideal of the home you would like. However, my thoughts are that it helps to know if what you think you want actually does exist. It could be easy to get a place and then hope there is somewhere out there more perfect that fits all your criteria when in fact there isn't because there isn't actually a home that ticks all of your boxes. I guess that might depend on what those boxes are, but I think it's unlikely since LL are not making 'personalised' homes. 

I think it's a good idea to go explore some regions to see if there any homes that actually exist that tick all your boxes, or study the map to gauge types of views there are (other houses/open water etc.). If there aren't then figure out what you are happy to settle with, there's more likely to be some of those around and might help avoiding abandoning a spot that actually fits that in the hope of getting something that doesn't exist.

 This approach has been useful for me.  I knew my criteria for a 'perfect' home for both houseboats and Stilts, took a good look at the map and worked out roughly how many homes would actually fit my criteria. That way I knew if a) it did actually exist, and b) if it did if there were enough that I would stand a fair chance of getting one. I was able to get both houseboat and Stilt that weren't perfect (there were literally only 2-3 of those in existence) but were great positions and I have been really happy with both (left my houseboat only because I like the stilts better:) ) If I would have abandoned for the 'perfect' home I think I would have regretted it.

Also, using Derender (if you have Firestorm) is a great help for some of those privacy and view requirements, and thereby opens up the range of possible homes that you could be happy with that you might not if you don't use it. My LH home experiences would not have been the same without it.

But my point of view is of a non-GOH player. I got what I basically wanted so I'm happy and don't want to abandon.  Others like the thrill of discovering new homes. Good luck on finding your home sweet home:)


Edited by Evangeline Arcadia
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My most importend criterium is immersion, that my home should feel like a natural plot would. I do not like piers with three houses that end in nothingness or generally Stilts on water. I usually TP into my home but I want to be able to take a walk or a bycilcle ride from there.

That is why I sherish my three Traditionals and one Houseboat all on the Old Bellisseria continent, the houses even on the coastline of the Pickle Island that feels like a REAL Island with coasts and cliffs and woods and lakes and not like an artificial quilt made with a coocky cutter like the Victorian- , Loghomes-  and Stilt- regoions do.

Second in importance is the VIEW. I want to see water but not JUST water (which really is an artificial nothingness) but houses on the other side, not rows of all the same houses but a bit of landscape, some trees, boats that sort of thing.

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I think everyone wants "a view" that's out of the question, but other than that, I'm a sentimental person, so when I get a home it gotta make me feel something, sometimes I like homes in weird locations or maybe bad to some, just because I was drawn to some little plants in the corner, or the street lights outside, yes I gotta see the house at night that's a big factor to me, I'm a night person and I like night lights!

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I’m an avid GoH player, since I possess a restless spirit. My alts seem to land the pretty damn near perfect spots, which elude my main account. My goal has been to finally settle somewhere that feels like home. The longest keepers have been my houseboats, maybe because they have been so rare until now.

My continuing evolving criteria:

Trads — Lush green front-facing river view where I can slip my kayak into the water and paddle long distances. Ah, Deckard, I still kick myself for giving my alt’s home up. I’m rolling the dice and hoping to find something equal to it. 

Houseboats — I’m not as big a fan of square parcels, because they limit the models that can be used. My faves are the Evening Star and Wallower. Most of the time, their orientation doesn’t work for me on the square parcels. In light of that, I lucked out with my alt’s spot in Lollipop. It has a lovely sunset view of the Aurelia lighthouse (with draw distance cranked up a bit). It feels open and private at the same time.

Campers — I’m a fan of tiny houses. I love the landscaping that the Moles have done with the regions. I wish they were on bigger parcels. I never end up keeping them, no matter how much I enjoy them.

Vics — I wanted to love them, because I think they look lovely. I use the flowers from the creation pack in my Trad home landscaping. Most of the homes are too sprawling for me. 

Log Homes — Loved the landscaping but missed the access with open water. Most of the time the homes weren’t oriented to face water. Haven’t had one for awhile.

Stilts — These are where my criteria is in flux. My very first stilt was on a pier in Sundae Morning. I find the pilings that mark off the parcels a little disorienting. Even though, I liked the spot, the waterways felt too cramped. My alt landed a beautiful abandon OP that has wide waterways and feels very private. My heart skipped a beat when I got it. 



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