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Let's be friends!

Lola Heartsong

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I'm 20 in the UK and looking for new friends! I enjoy playing EC, meeting new people in Sugarland, listening to live music, decorating and of course, the usual shopping. I love to have movie nights, listen to music together, I have discord too we can talk on c: 

SL can get super lonely sometimes so my IM's are always open for deep conversations, small talk, anything really! 

Inworld name - Lola Heartsong

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Hey Lola.

Nice to meet you.

Im Kan Zul.


Honestly i guess we have different interests.

I love exploring places,

Mainly visiting RPG sims with awesome stories.

And talking...yeah a lot of talk.😁

Covid brought me back to second life after long for the need for socialising.

And i think its kool.

Btw,im in discord when im at work.

Hope to speak more.😊

Btw,Whats EC?

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