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Come on everyone we are hiring!


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~~~~~~~~CLUB ESCAPE IS HIRING~~~~~~~~
We are hiring here at Club Escape where you can escape the haters and be free with no drama!

We accept everyone here at Club Escape and we mean everyone!

If you wish to be a DJ/Live Mix DJ or our host or a manager just let me know and I can give you guys an application! 

Or you guys can come on down and get the applications at our club ^^ 

You can also fill out the application online ^^ if you want it to be easier ^^

Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScfGlyQj9TdBecDgHp_c-UyIr6-j9scPRbZeklYP38l4u-kig/viewform

If you have any questions please speak to me or one of my GMs Ivy Howard(Ivywdw), Syko(Blade.Reluin)


Edited by Coffeeluver23
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12 minutes ago, SmolChan said:

Do you guys train to be a dj?  Oh and what do you need to be a stripper/lap dancer

Yes we do train our DJ's and to be a stripper/lap dancer you need to be atleaste 30 days old, and know how to emote but do not worry bout that as i have a notecard you can use for emoting while dancing ^^

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Ah I’m interested I texted you in world too and added so if you can send the notecard and we can talk more in world I’m  316 days old so that’s no problem I have a mesh body and head I have a really good avi so LOL 

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2 hours ago, SmolChan said:

Ah I’m interested I texted you in world too and added so if you can send the notecard and we can talk more in world I’m  316 days old so that’s no problem I have a mesh body and head I have a really good avi so LOL 

Awesome ^^ I will get to you soon 


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