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When is an egg not an egg?


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"Scheduled Maintenance
Unscheduled Second Life Maintenance Jan 20, 11:00-11:30 PST
We will be performing maintenance on Second Life on Wednesday January 20th at 11:00 SLT. During this time, scripted objects with HTTP OUT scripts in them may may be slow to respond or experience other issues for a short time.

Please monitor this blog for updates."
Posted on Jan 19, 13:33 PST
So...it is scheduled or Unscheduled?  Concerned citizens want to know! 
BTW the answer is "When it's on your face...'coz then it's make-up"
Edited by Aishagain
additional sarcasm
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@Profaitchikenz Haiku Well, if this is Linden Lab humour, it goes a long way towards indicating why SL is so often borked!

In my experience Senior Lindens have shown precious little evidence of a sense of humour. Indeed I have been made uncomfortably aware of their lack of a funnybone in the past, so I am disinclined to see this as other than a rather crass error!

Still, it gave us a giggle, I suppose! Especially since no one at The Lab seems to have noticed...too distracted by the upcoming Inauguration, I guess.

Edited by Aishagain
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