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Rigging for hands (again) this time: Legacy

Erik Hugo

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I have looked around and am not (yet) able to find a solution for the problem I seem to have encoutered. Which is: rigging gloves for Legacy body on Blender.

It's been a while since I had to rig gloves and I have now added Legacy and Kupra to the mix. Kupra has a very decent dev-kit so no problems there. Legacy however....  when I look at the weights present in the dev-kit,  there are only two weights present: complete hands and thumbs...? Am I missing something? I haven't seen separate hands in the Blender dev-kit.

There's a rather big collection of gloves for Legacy on the MP already. I cannot imagine those only being made using Maya...? 


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Alrighty, so I talked to a Legacy CSR just now. Apparently this (the weights not being present) is an issue they are working on in a dev-kit update. There is no time given for the arrival of this update. 

Has anyone, using Blender, been able to get around this? If so... how?

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  • 2 weeks later...

the issue is the same in maya and blender. the only way for now you need to import the jewellery kit into the body kit and copy the weights from there. it's only a workaround and does not give 100% good results because some weights are still missing, so the rest remains trial and error. for now that's all we can do

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