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*updated* Calipso Storm Club is still HIRING esp. looking for DJs And Security Bouncer, Dancers & Escorts

Apolez Taurus

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Gooooood Morning Vietnam!!

This is your wake up call, to get a J O B ! In second life that is.. 
And why not get in @ the start of a Grand Opening. 
Calipso Storm will soon be opening it's doors to the public.

But.. first things first, we need some more Staff!

If you are interested in working for wonderful people like myself hehe, not to brag but..
I'm awesome!! I'm the General Manager @ the Calipso Storm Club and working hard to find a great team, or make one with training being offered. I also have some amazing staff members on board.  All amazing in their own individualized way.  They'll make this club Rock.. Shake and Wiggle like no other.  And I would like you to be apart of this as well. Bring your energy, enthusiasm, love, support and eagerness to do a job well done. 

We are seeking Hosts, DJ's, Dancers, Escorts, Gamer Girls, Bouncers =
*Also keeping an eye out  for well suited Sponsors and bloggers.  If you are one, or know of any that would be interested IM/notecard Apolez Taurus.. Thanks!


*All must be over 18+ in RL & SL Avatar.

*Have a sexy Banging Avatar!

*Hiring male & female, though if you are a Dancer or Escort must be forthcoming with gender in rl and sl.  

*Must be at least 30 days in game, if not it's possible to get a bartender position to be able to learn and train from within, and after you've been working a bit and at least 30 days old we can re-visit what position you're best suited for.

*Must have an award winning personality with a good work ethic and the eagerness to learn and adapt quickly and please the VIP's!!

*DJ's- I'd love to hire someone who plays a lot of alternative music, rock, 80's, punk, oldies, new stuff, pop & more such as dance music and rocking beats, anything good really just no trance or hard core? rap coming from the owners words, though I'm sure if the song really kicks ass , she won't mind. :P 
Also you can play your own playlists during your sets unless it's an event/contest during your set.  I would like themes such as all songs about white playlist while wearing white,  Or, all songs about sex and being sexy while dressed in your sexiest garb. You get the idea?
One more thing for the DJ's would prefer voice speaking during sets and being able to take requests. 

* The owner will have final say in the hiring process. *

If you have any questions IM/Notecard me General Manager Apolez Taurus or the 
Owner ChiChi (bethan86)

Calipso Storm Logo.png

Edited by Apolez Taurus
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