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Blocking Threads.

Jordyn McGregor

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We can block people and cease seeing their posts unless we manually choose to see what they are posting...which is awesome!

What would be even more awesome would be if we could block seeing threads we do now wish to see as well...especially in these times when people are tearing each other apart over politics that has no place in a virtual world.

Something to consider.


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Over the past few weeks I have been getting very good at not even opening those threads - most of the time.  When I do open them, I've doing a pretty good job of maintaining my discipline and mostly just scrolling through, skimming the posts, and not letting myself get sucked in.

Even so, I have always wanted the ability to be able to add a thread to an ignore list, so that even if someone I follow posts in it, it won't show on my notifications list anymore.

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You are about to reply to a thread that has been inactive for 1339 days.

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.

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