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Searching for Text Escort and/or Dancer Job!


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Searching for a Text Escort or Dancer as job for a friend. Due to poor connection she needs early secondlife times and at latest she can do is 8am-10am SLT.  Also, she's a furry so needing a club that accepts furries into their team. If needing to contact her, its kawaiitigress or kawaiitigress resident! Thanks you for your cooperation!

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1 hour ago, TigressLightning said:

Searching for a Text Escort or Dancer as job for a friend. Due to poor connection she needs early secondlife times and at latest she can do is 8am-10am SLT.  Also, she's a furry so needing a club that accepts furries into their team. If needing to contact her, its kawaiitigress or kawaiitigress resident! Thanks you for your cooperation!

Plenty of jobs available here https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/

She needs to apply just like a RL job.  Some employers come in and reply but usually with the same information as their ad.  Who to contact, where to pick up application, sometimes an online application.  

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