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need job


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We are hiring bartenders ,,, ^(for under 30 day avatars)which will be a learning job, you watch, get trained and the requirements are:

You have an eagerness to learn,  you are punctual you show up for training, and your shifts. when you say you'll be there or give notice that you will not be there. 

You have personality and spirit, you are energetic a crowd pleaser, you are able to adapt under pressure and talk your ass off. you plan on investing the lindens you earn into saving for a well made avatar and clothes, ao.  You take well to rules and to constructive criticism,, 

Usually bartenders will be in training for a host position, though there are other ones available if you wish to choose another option. 

MUST BE 18+ RL & SL . . IT'S ON ADULT LAND.   AND  that's enough to say for now,  Message me in-world .. find the magnifying glass on your game viewer and click on the tab people, then type in or copy /; paste Apolez Taurus and it will show my profile open profile and press chat to text me .. thanks. Apolez 

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