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how do you prevent ppl from getting into your vehicle?


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It should be a "safety" setting somewhere, restricting to "Owner", "Group" or "Everyone". Try to read the notecard you got with the vehicle. Not all vehicles has this feature, it depends if the scripter put it in. If the scripts are modify, maybe this function can be added. Try to ask in the creator forums, in the "Scripts" part. I have found them to be very helpful.


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If your vehicle hasn't got an access feature of its own, paste this in a new script in your vehicle. Only works if your vehicle is Mod. If your vehicle is No Mod, then buy a Mod vehicle, or one with an access feature.

integer ACCESS=0; // 0=owner only, 1=group, 2=everyone

    changed(integer Change){
            integer Link=llGetNumberOfPrims();
                key User=llGetLinkKey(Link);


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The vehicle script needs to be designed to handle this.

In the last vehicle I made I added an additional sit target behind the exhaust tubes of the engines (so you don't even have to see the passenger) - followed by an instant unsit of course. If you forgot to lock the seats there is a manual 1000m eject for the co seat too.

So if your vehicle doesn't have any passenger features, get another one. (not mine, I don't sell that stuff, it's no advertisement)

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