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I can't log into SL


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I'm at China now, and few days ago, whenever I plan to log in, it keeps showing up like this : Login failed, despite our best efforts, something unexpectedly gone wrong.

But I ask lots of my Chinese friends, they said they don't have such a problem, and all of them can log into sl smoothly.

What should I do ? Can someone help me out ?

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I'm having the same issue.  It will work after several tries.  It's not my internet connection either, as I have tried it at work with the same results.  It seems to be related to my avi as I created an alt and he has no problems.

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18 hours ago, TT120 said:
On 1/17/2021 at 7:39 AM, KT Kingsley said:

Is this a flat inventory issue?

No, at least not for me.  I have everything filed away in sub folder after sub folder.....:-)

Even using sub-folders within sub-folders, you can still get into a Flat Inventory issue ----- if any single level in a folder has more than a few thousand items.  In other words, if you have more than a few thousand folders at a single level within another folder, you can still have issues.


Not saying this is your problem - just clarifying the 'flat inventory' issue.


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Yeah, none of my sub folders have more than a few hundred items in them.  My objects folder gets large after the free gift events but that's all sorted down at the moment.  Once I finally get logged in after several attempts, it will be ok for a while.  It seems really bad after I have been logged out for at least a couple hours.  And also might be related to the map issues they're having although my alt doesn't have any issues logging in from a map link.

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I have done some more testing and have ruled out my internet connection.  I have tried it on 3 different networks in 3 different areas of town and have the same problem.  It is also not the Firestorm or LL viewer as both have the same problem.   It is not the computer as I have tried 3 different desktops as well as my laptop, same issue.   My alt is experiencing a delayed log in but it seems to work every time but my main can only connect after about 5 to 10 tries.  I tried logging into several different sims and have the same issue.  At first I thought it was some issue with the map because if I tried to log in with a link from the map, it would not work but it seems to have gotten worse and now I just cant log in at all.

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17 minutes ago, arabellajones said:

Maybe totally unrelated, but I am having login troubles, yet userID/password gets me logged in to the website. Dare I do a password change?

Not a techie, but I've had the same issue as you for a while, at least for more than a week, closer to two. Sometimes I was able to log on with FS, but mostly not. Whether to my own home, LL Premium SIMs or a bunch of other places that I frequent often. Secondlife.com was just fine. Somehow I was able to log in yesterday without any issues, and things seem to be going OK for now, even TP. It was never an issue with my account, password or anything.

Take this with a grain of salt, but somehow I feel like messing with your account settings won't help, possibly even make things worse.

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35 minutes ago, arabellajones said:

Maybe totally unrelated, but I am having login troubles, yet userID/password gets me logged in to the website. Dare I do a password change?

If you can log into your dashboard with the userid/password, then changing your password won't help your login situation.

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Ok, it seems to have something to do with my "home" location.  I cannot seem to log into my home location or last location so I moved to the other side of my house and reset home to here and now I can log in with no problems.  Logging in from a map link does not work but I can TP to a map location once I get logged in.

I have had no problems logging into my dashboard on the web.

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34 minutes ago, TT120 said:

I cannot seem to log into my home location or last location so I moved to the other side of my house and reset home to here and now I can log in with no problems. 

Well that is truly one super weird issue.  Though it seems that these days, after the cloud move, there are all sorts of really super strange oddities going on.

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