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Seeking Employment - Various Experience


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Hi there!

   I am Gabriella Henderson. I am seeking employment in Second life as A business/Sim Manager or any other relevant field with my experience. 

I have experience in various sim operations including:

-Music Venues (Live and DJ/Host)

-Roleplay Communities 

-Real Estate

I have also some experience with:

-Store management

-Blogotex (still new but have a good understanding)

-Customer Service Management

Some other useful skills that might be useful are:

-Experience with RP systems (Beyou/DFS)

-Some experience with Wordpress

-Marketing skills within SL and Facebook

-Djing and hosting


Things I cannot yet do but willing to learn.

-making mesh



Please feel free to message me in world

Gabriella Henderson (thatanongirl)

I look forward to hearing from you. 




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