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Newbie - Looking for Job ~ ( help xD)


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12 minutes ago, cherryhumble said:

Hello im new 5 days and im wondering is there anyone out there who would like to hire a newbie non experienced in working? 

please let me know 😄

You'll get no job offers in this section -- if is for questions about how Second Life works.

Try the Employment section:  https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/

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There's a whole subforum for that >>> InWorld Employment.  You can either post a description of your own talents and interests and hope for the best, or you can look to see what sort of work opportunities other people have posted.

You should know, though, that most "work" in SL is very low-paying.  Don't expect to get rich, or make more than pocket change. If you have a RL skill as a creator (designer, mesh modeller, scripter, animator... ) or as a performer (musician, DJ, ... ), you can earn a decent income -- probably not as much as you could earn by doing the same things in RL, but not bad. You can also earn some income as a landlord, although that takes a sizeable investment up front and a lot of day to day work to keep up with tenants -- sort of like being a RL landlord.  The bottom line is that the best way to have money in SL is to bring it in world with PayPal or your credit card.  With a few hours of serving hamburgers in RL, you can support a hefty spending habit in SL, and you won't have to spend your in-world time working while you should be enjoying yourself.

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