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Donating land

Pasley Pennent

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You can't donate land to another avi, just to a group you are in.  Also, you have to have land donation rights within that group.  I would be very careful doing that however, unless you are the owner of that group, you may not ever get that land back especially if you have a falling out with the group.  I would carefully consider why you want to donate your land instead of using it yourself.

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It’s a pretty good value.  
1. Create your own group for your land. 
2. Join that Group, Alts also! 
3. Premium Alts donate their free 1024 tier to your Group by joining that group, then open the Profile of that Group and on the Land & L$ tab... look for a box which says Your Contribution.  Fill in “1024” there (or whatever amount of tier your Alt has to donate)

4. Pick out the land you wish to purchase and make sure you choose Buy for Group (bottom right corner on About Land).  This is important to use when taking advantage of the 10% Group land tier bonus as it will allow you to use the 10% bonus in advance.  If you Buy This Land and then Deed to Group you will need to have the full amount of tier available first then you can use the 10% on your next purchase.  

5. When choosing Buy For Group... make sure you are wearing the Group Title (tag) for the Group purchasing the land.

6. Have a party on your new land and invite the neighbours... and me!  (Not mandatory) 😉

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On 1/15/2021 at 7:38 PM, TT120 said:

 I would be very careful doing that however, unless you are the owner of that group, you may not ever get that land back especially if you have a falling out with the group.

as far i know, as soon you'r out of the group the donation is too.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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23 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

as far i know, as soon you'r out of the group the donation is too.

In order to move on to other land, you can sell that land (as long as you have the Ability in Group) same as a regular land sale.  Group owners always have that ability.  The Group will receive the payment and it is distributed evenly among the members of the Group who have the Ability to Pay and Receive Group Dividends and Liabilities. (Usually the Group Owner). Payment is distributed within 24 hours.  If you wish to keep the land and just withdraw it from the Group, you (if you have that Group Ability) can sell the land to yourself for L$1 and it will no longer belong to the Group.  Then you can live on it or sell it as normal.

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If a Group owns land you wish to live on and it accepts tier donation, you can donate tier unattached to Land by opening Group Profile and choose Land and L$ tab, in the box named Your Contribution just enter the amount you wish to donate and you’ll be entitled to live on that land.  When you want to move on, just withdraw your tier by putting a 0 in the Your Contribution box and Save in bottom right and your tier will be free to use elsewhere once again.

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