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Newbie seeking empty universal HUD?

Sindy Lovelace

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Is there no one who makes a AO HUD that's empty, that you could simply drag all of your animations into, rather than having separate HUDs for a dance AO, normal AO (walking), sports (like my skating AO), etc? And if so is there a limit to the number of animations it could hold? Thoughts? A newb just not understanding?

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Everything requires scripts to work. Scripts are basically little programs. Those scripts have limited memory, so you can't exactly have an unlimited number of animations without some clever thinking or strict assumptions by the programmer.

ZHAO is still the "go-to" when it comes to AOs. It's a pretty simple system where you write the names of the animations into a notecard and put them all into the HUD. Then the script can use those notecards to "load" a set of animations. In this way, you could have multiple AOs like your regular one and a separate one for skating. But generally, it's more convenient/faster to have separate AOs for separate uses, since reading a notecard takes a while.

If you go to Oracul (in a sim called Kuso), you can get an empty HUD for free there.

A dance AO is just a glorified (or dumbed down) regular AO where the stands are replaced with active dancing.

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  • 2 years later...

I confirm Firestorm empty AO is very good, and do all the work, it's easy to create and use.

You need Download Firestorm (is the same Secondlife but where you have more things in settings).

You create a Folder in the AO Firestorm, and type name you want, you select Standing or Walking, you open your Inventory and you just put the anim inside.

Don't forget add anim in every Category, example if you don't have anim Custom in Swim category, you have the Basic Swim anim of the game.

You can also use it for make a Standing AO dance with all your favorite Anim inside.

It's free. :)


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