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Help to get required information from Market Data


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How do i check that since December 25th to today how many linden has been sold as 239L$ for 1$

I put a limit sale, there was like 1million L$ before I put my linden on limit sale as a rate of 239L$ per Dollar. But now I can't keep a track because it's up to 2 million now.. If I see that my transection is getting close I will not cancel my order. So how do I find that out?

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11 hours ago, ziniatabassum said:

I put a limit sale, there was like 1million L$ before I put my linden on limit sale as a rate of 239L$ per Dollar. But now I can't keep a track because it's up to 2 million now.. If I see that my transection is getting close I will not cancel my order. So how do I find that out?

there is no rule or anything that will tell how soon your order will fill. It's depending on other people not a system. If there are more orders placed at that rate as is waiting at 240 now it could take yéars to sell... or be at 250 next week.when there's nothing added at that rate .. some people want to sell fast and will go under the mainstream level.

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1 hour ago, ziniatabassum said:

 So is there any way to check like how many has been sold yet since 25th December? 

there are sites that can show the marketdata, but won't show where your order is. And as the charts can change every second when people add orders it's not helping at all what bulk was exchanged at what period of time it needs to process. It been years long it was 250/1 or higher.. while we'r in a diffent wave for a while now.
As of this minute, your 239/1position is even lower as the first reply, another came in (small sale) with 241
The 238/239/240 per dollar makes only a difference when you throw in substantial amounts. It's on you to make the choice to cancel or wait to see what happens.

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