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What do you meme thread

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know if this counts or not, but it's pretty neat anyways.. It's a riders view going through a jump course..

You can tell this horse wants go and run hard but has really good discipline..

Myself, I talk a little more to my horse when I'm riding, even on casual rides.. I'm just a talker though..hehehe

It's a nice run and some nice jumps..

Enjoy :)


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I'm very much enjoying the memes surrounding a Zoom parish council meeting that descended into chaos and went viral. It's worth seeking out the longer edits because you also get the guy who failed to send out the agenda holding it up to the screen and other moments of gold, even if it is all about the line: "You have no authority here, Jackie Weaver!"


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When I was younger, the first time I ever heard the term Horse whisperer used was when it was about this man, Monty Roberts.. He has been such an inspiration for me..

The book that I read  before we ever even had horses was, The Man that listens to horses..  In my eyes , He is with horses what Jane Goodall was with chimpanzees..

I came across this video just a little bit ago with him where he works with an horse and has him accepting a bridle,saddle and a rider in about 30 minutes..

I'm actually going to get the book on audible to listen to while I go to sleep.. I'm gonna have to look for a documentary on him.. I can't believe I haven't searched for one already..

just a couple of his quotes that I found, then the video.. I just had to kind of lay some ground work first..hehehe

“A good trainer can get a horse to do almost anything. The great trainer can cause the horse to want to do it.” 

- Monty Roberts

“My life’s goal is to leave the world a better place than I found it, for horses and for people, too.”

- Monty Roberts



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55 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

I'm very much enjoying the memes surrounding a Zoom parish council meeting that descended into chaos and went viral. It's worth seeking out the longer edits because you also get the guy who failed to send out the agenda holding it up to the screen and other moments of gold, even if it is all about the line: "You have no authority here, Jackie Weaver!"

Someone should do one for the bit where the guy's voice goes all Exorcist before he keeps saying "We're on a Teams meeting you fool! " xD

It should be disturbing but it's amazing.

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Just now, Amina Sopwith said:

Yes, what on earth was that? What was he saying??

I dont know, lol, he's so angry he can't get the words out xD

And then he storms out and a minute later you hear the toilet flushing :) 

America has people storming the senate...we have the Handforth Council clerk getting ejected from Zoom, lol. 

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11 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I dont know, lol, he's so angry he can't get the words out xD

And then he storms out and a minute later you hear the toilet flushing :) 

America has people storming the senate...we have the Handforth Council clerk getting ejected from Zoom, lol. 

I was cracking up when they were like, You have no power here!  Then click ,they were gone.. hehehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

When I was younger, the first time I ever heard the term Horse whisperer used was when it was about this man, Monty Roberts.. He has been such an inspiration for me..

I think I know what it is to be that horse. c__c Grateful for whisperers of all sorts, and feel the same way, lately: inspired by. There even exist people who can teach horses to whisper to themselves. 😹

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been watching these for years and they never get old. People take random media and sentence mix it. The titles by themselves make me lul hard. "They used to ride these *****es for miles and it's in great shape!"


Edited by Simo Vodopan
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  • 3 weeks later...
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