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Accepting Offers for Entire Region of Arena, an Historic Mainland Sim with Protected Sunrise and Sunsets, Protected Road, Protected Water on Two Sides, and Two Neighboring Historic Sites

Maczter Oddfellow

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Here’s your rare chance to own a piece of Second Life history, with one of the early SL regions which came online in 2004.


This beautiful sim has water on two sides, including a peninsula with a water inlet perfect for parking your watercraft on one side.

When touring the region, you may note that there are several group owned plots, but note that I own and control all groups and am the only member contributing tier. If an acceptable offer is received, I will take control of all plots before the transaction takes place.

I will gladly transfer any and all of the existing structures which were all designed and built by me.

Please message me inworld with your serious offers.

- Maczter Oddfellow

Snapshot_003 (1).png

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