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Problem with sending partner invitation

Natalie Nettle

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I tried to send an invitation to my partner to officially partner in Sl and I got an error message "the resident specified could not be found or may not be an active resident".  I have checked my typing of her name and it is correct - she is an active SL member.  Can anyone explain why this might be?

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somebody had the same problem a couple of months ago.  They ended filing up a Support ticket but they never did come back and say what the outcome was

one of the suggestions that others have said can work is to have you partner send you the invitation. Can try and see if that works. If not then Support ticket

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7 hours ago, Natalie Nettle said:

I tried to send an invitation to my partner to officially partner in Sl and I got an error message "the resident specified could not be found or may not be an active resident".  I have checked my typing of her name and it is correct - she is an active SL member.  Can anyone explain why this might be?

People search via web search is totally FUBAR right now.  The back end partner search is probably using the same web search process and thus it is failing.  

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On 1/12/2021 at 9:06 AM, Natalie Nettle said:

I tried to send an invitation to my partner to officially partner in Sl and I got an error message "the resident specified could not be found or may not be an active resident".  I have checked my typing of her name and it is correct - she is an active SL member.  Can anyone explain why this might be?

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I tried to send an invitation to my partner to officially partner in Sl and I got an error message 

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