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Mainland plot for sale, off the coast in the water, 1024m2, L5000


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Hi! I have a small parcel for sale in the water, currently with a furnished house. I love it there, but can no longer justify Premium, so am downgrading and cannot have land.

Please see attached pics. My plot lines are the red poles in the water.

Long front view shows my house/plot from the front; my house is the white one on the little island in the middle. Front, from the back, and top view, from the top.

If you have any questions, please let me know! Thanks for looking! :)

ETA: Forgot to mention, I am happy to leave the house, island, landscaping, and furniture, but unfortunately it is almost all non-trans, so I can give you ownership, sorry. Otherwise I would let the stuff go with the plot.

ETA, again, lol: Forgot the SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hellish/85/246/23






Edited by CaerolleClaudel
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