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I need mesh clothes

Doc Carling

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Well, as a SL photographer I shoot many pictures. I built model avatars for that purpose. Skins, make up, hair and so on are no problem. But I'm lack of unique looking outfits. Almost each day I browse the market for hours. Meanwhile it feels like I have visited already each shop. lol  So if anyone has  interesting links, either to market shops or inworld shops, I would appreciate that. Price range up to 250 - 300 L. Mostly I use a Maitreya body. But clothes of other brands also. Thank you. :)

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1 hour ago, AidySL said:

I like this shop, but not sure if it's allowed to post the link, so here is their Flick

The Lindens usually only react to someone spamming the forum. Blatant self promotion that becomes annoying usually draws complaints from others in the thread. Then the Lindens do something. But, answering someone's question and providing them a link or set of links is seldom a problem.

You'll find many people posting links to stores or items in the marketplace all through the forum.

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   I'll just throw the obvious go-to shop for mainstream fashion out there: Blueberry. 

   Quality is generally consistent and maintains a high standard which, in my mind, certainly is a requirement for photography purposes. Price is usually around L$250 per piece (so L$500 for a top & bottom combination - and whilst they mostly sell their items as sets, you absolutely can mix & match them).

   I'd also suggest you check out the weekly sales; Fifty Linden Friday (FLF), Saturday Sale, Weekend Sale, and Humpday Sale are weekly events that offer a wide variety of stuff (not always just apparel though). You can find galleries on Seraphim / Facebook so that you don't have to visit all the stores every week - prices are usually L$50-L$75, and sometimes it's per piece and colour, and sometimes it's for fatpacks. As those sales include a large number of creators, the quality varies a lot, but there's usually some absolute bargains in each round. Yesterday I got these jeans for just L$75, for example:

   They're designed for high heels though, hence the feet clipping - still haven't gotten Mina any heels!

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Cool jeans, indeed. And thanks a lot for your suggestions. I admit I didn't spend much attention on weekly sales yet. I'm not on face book, but Seraphim looks very useful. When I remember right someone else here in forum told me about the site. Somehow I forgot it. So thanks for the reminder. lol You know I'm going to built literally hundreds of avatars. Their main purpose is to serve as models for comicstrip-like characters. Normally those characters are painted or drawn. I try something different. And the pictures I show on my website. Many pictures. You can imagine the amount of eye catching clothes that I need. Actually such project is only possible at all because of BOM. As for clothes,  I checked already the usual sources. Blueberry too. What they offer isn't bad, but their prices are too high for me considered how many pieces I need. 50 - 75 L sounds much better. Usually I search already for fatpacks and items which come with a color or texture hud. That allows to use the same set several times. Well, until now my main source was the market.  I still find every now and then something good there. But that is not enough. That's why I posted this request and appreciate each link or tip.


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Along with Seraphim, Grid Affairs is another website that lists a multitude of events, and sometimes has ones not mentioned at Seraphim. Along with events where you can experience lot of different creators, there are groups on Flickr that are strictly Vendor ads that you can browse. Often, its one of the first places you will see new items. As for specific stores, there are too many good ones to name unless you have particular requirements besides price. I'd also recommend joining in world groups if you are able. Big stores like Blueberry, Addams, Scandalize , Seniha among many others give out group credits randomly which is a nice way to offset some costs .

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5 minutes ago, Laurel Aurelia said:

there are too many good ones to name unless you have particular requirements besides price

Everything what's catching attention. Thanks for your input and your suggestions.  Normally I use a Maitreya body. But in general for what brand an outfit is meant doesn't matter. Because if something doesn't fit or looks wrong, I can edit it later.

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Lucky for you  Maitreya is the standard for most stores. Plastix is probably one of my fave smaller stores I lament not being able to wear due to wearing Legacy perky full time. The textures and materials are top notch, and lots of fun styles. There is even some stuff for guys too! For more casual clothes , I love Tres Blah and Evani. For more offbeat clothing, check out Hot Dog and Boy to the Bone (BTTB). The fit can sometimes be a little "creative" , but they offer some really fun and unique looking stuff.

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Not sure what is “unique” to you and I wanted to recommend my favorite brands but some of them sell items a little higher than L$300: Belle Epoque, Vive Nine, Asteria. These three regularly participate in L$25-60 weekend sales and Asteria has some really nice giveaways at the entrance. I also regularly visit MimikriBauhaus, Violent Seduction, and Shi. For events and dressier occasions, I shop at David Heather, Thalia Heckroth, Dead Doll, Fellini Couture, Moon Amore. When I was working as a dancer, 95% of my wardrobe was from Moon Elixir x MUSE... I could go on forever, I obviously have “Becky Bloomwood syndrome” lol

Now if you want something really bizarre and avant-garde for editorial style photoshoots, I recommend Japanese designers HITOGATA+Yome Shoujo. Low priced items, big boxes of gifts, funky and truly one of a kind.


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1 hour ago, Yuumo Ichibara said:

Not sure what is “unique” to you

I call it the Wow! effect. Everything that lets people say wow! and makes them stop a minute to take a closer look at the picture. One can't compete with all the millions of pictures which are already online in SL and even more on web without something that catches attention. This effect depends on the kind of pictures which you present. Comic strip/pinup fans expect of course something different than for example people which are into landscape pictures. Your list of links looks very interesting. I definitely check them out. Thank you.

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If you like Boho, Mimikri inworld and on Marketplace has some very cute items.   Her stuff is not all Boho but much of what I like and remember is.  She has mini club dresses and other club things too.   Mimikri is a bit more expensive though but you can buy some of her items for less.  

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If you're looking for non-current era items, you might want to take a look at Cog & Fleur.  I shop there mainly for Victorian, Edwardian and Steampunk pirate type themes, but she also has more traditional vintage (that channel the 30's to 60's to me)  as well  as a burlesque/boudoir section of the store.  She has both a MP store and an in-world store. 

Second Life Marketplace - Cog & Fleur -- Steampunk, Vintage & Fantasy Creations by Abathyr Heartsong


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   Oh, I just remembered another thing one could check out.

   Rebel Hope kicked off a Farewell Sale .. In Winter 2019. It's been ongoing for a little over a year by now. 75% off, you can find dresses, tops, bottoms, beachwear etc. for L$40-50 per piece.

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5 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Wow, just like RL "Going out of Business" sales.

   Yes. They haven't released anything new since, but the store is still there, as are the bots and the vendors. Perhaps the sales of the store being open are enough to keep it going.

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6 hours ago, Orwar said:

Rebel Hope kicked off a Farewell Sale

Exactly what I'm looking for. Especially the prices. Thanks a lot.  Well, when I checked all the links I got here, I found tons of clothes I like. But it is alway the money. I have a certain budget what I can spend. Doesn't mean that I expect that creators lower their prices for me. lol 

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If you're on a budget - group gifts could be an option as well. When I started out, both Scandalize and Hilly Halaan have been an absolute blessing with the amount of group gifts they have in their Inworld Stores. These offered a wide array of looks and styles and by the power of mix and match, there are bound to be curious and unusual combinations to be had. There's also the sYs Fashion Store which offers a bit of a more curious style for basically next to no L$. I am not even sure how to name it - it could show up in Neo-Renaissance Cyberpunk just as well as some fantasy Sim.


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