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Governance User Group Meetings

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Since the Governance User Group meeting still shows blank



Can we get an indication from Patch or Kristin or Tommy when these meetings will restart? I daresay I'm not the only landowner wondering this?

@Patch Linden

@Kristin Linden

@Tommy Linden

Any chance we can get an update?


ps oh yeah I realised I posted in the wrong area, already asked for it to be moved ^^

Edited by Adamburp Adamczyk
spell checked etc
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  • Administrators

Hey Adam,

I will be running the Governance User group meetings, and will get an update on there soon. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know. My direct messages are always open as well. However as always, if you are looking to report abuse, make sure you file an abuse report!


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1 hour ago, Tommy Linden said:

Hey Adam,

I will be running the Governance User group meetings, and will get an update on there soon. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know. My direct messages are always open as well. However as always, if you are looking to report abuse, make sure you file an abuse report!


What happened to Kristin? ☹️

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Tommy Linden

@Patch Linden

@Ebbe Linden


it's still showing blank, Please could we have an update? it's been about a month since I posted, and I daresay I'm not the only landowner who has stuff to bring up with Governance, I know a friend of mine reached out to you about issues but those are still ongoing.



Edited by Adamburp Adamczyk
wording, and added a flag to ebbe
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