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Scripting Partner WANTED


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Hello I am an in-world creator. I am looking for ideally 1 experienced scripter to script my stuff.  A few things off the top of my head would be as follows:


1.  a neuro-lab-Like follower pet script that i attatch so the pet is able to follow me off sim and also be controlled by me in different ways.

2. weapon scripts with glowing bullets with parameters i can edit

3. random light changer script ( NOT GLOW ) but LIGHT. 


Please do not ask for a 3 paragraph notecard about what i want. You will have to come and see the stuff. I am looking for someone who has TIME on their hands. I don't want to have to wait days or a week for something i know it takes you 10 minutes to do.  I am in SL all day message me anytime ty :)

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I have been working as a Script Writer for over 8 years in Second life with a firm grasp of LSL Coding. I also have PHP and MYSQL coding knowledge and experience and can easily combine them for any project you might need to seamlessly communicate via Second Life and outside applications such as web pages and data server.

My latest Projects include but not limited to:
Gaming Projects

Please feel free to contact me no project to large or small. If I'm off line leave a message or send me a note card and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Typically within 24 hours.

Gurusow Resident

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