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Exporting from Blender to Maya breaks rig.

Panjandrum Writer

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I'm trying to learn how to make clothing for SL, using the Sugarcult Regalia body, because the rigging dummy is easy to get. Unfortunately, it only comes in a Blender file, and I only know how to use Maya. So I exported as FBX and imported into Maya, but that broke the rig. The bones are stretched all over the place. Is there some box I forgot to tick that will fix this?

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Edited by Panjandrum Writer
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22 hours ago, Panjandrum Writer said:

Ha! You're absolutely right! I was being dumb. I just saw all the bones all over the place and freaked out. Now I just gotta delete the ones I don't need. Thanks!

You're about to experience a whole lot of trouble, believe me. The excess bones are only the tip of the iceberg there. First, the whole avatar comes rotated the wrong direction, it faces y axis but it should face the x axis. Also, it is all scaled to meters as its own linear unit, as shown by the presence of a locator down on the floor. The bind pose is therefore to trash as it is and saved again when things line up correctly to the expected orientation. It's a quite long, tedious process that is also very much prone to error, even when you know what you're doing. This is all due to the fact that the devkit was made based off avastar, which does a lot of work to make the blender based mesh and skeleton compatible with SL. You'd be just better off asking the original creator to make a Maya devkit available, as things stand now, it's very improbable to get you anywhere near to something that works

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