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Please help with low FPS


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Hello fellow SL users, 

I hope someone can help me solve a big issue I have. 
Up until last Tuesday everything was running fine on my PC when it comes to SL (High settings and all). Then last Wednesday SL (I used the firestorm viewer) crashed when also Origin (EA) crashed. Up on relogging to SL I noticed a slight lag when filling in my login credentials and logging in took longer then normal.

When I finally was logged in I noticed what I thought was lag but upon checking my lag status I noticed that the FPS never came above the 7 FPS, the day before I was easily running 24+ fps. I teleported to a low prim sandbox with no avail the FPS stayed below 7 and dropping to 1 regularly.

First thing I checked was the settings and even on low settings running everything with bare minimal (draw distance also the lowest you can set) the FPS stayed below 7

I checked my internet connection and that was running fine. I checked with different viewers all are not able to get me the normal FPS. I checked the server status and that is fine too I checked different sims all have the low fps.

I did a complete clean instal of Catznip and Firestorm and still I am having issues.

I tested it with an account of a friend and also still low fps. That friend tested my account on her PC and it works fine there. So the conclusion is that it is something in my PC but what?

Nothing has been changed in software and hardware, internet runs smoothly (I even reinstalled Norton to see if that was the problem) heavy games run smoothly too.

The only issue I am still heaving is SL and I can’t figure out what to do, please tell me if someone knows a fix?


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Have you rebooted your computer since the problem started?  Reboot it anyway - that may be enough to fix whatever the problem is.
If this doesn't help, in the top menu bar of any viewer you have the low FPS on, go to Help -> About Second Life/ Viewer name.
Click the "Copy to clipboard" button & paste all your system information here.


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49 minutes ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

Have you rebooted your computer since the problem started?  Reboot it anyway - that may be enough to fix whatever the problem is.
If this doesn't help, in the top menu bar of any viewer you have the low FPS on, go to Help -> About Second Life/ Viewer name.
Click the "Copy to clipboard" button & paste all your system information here.


I have rebooted my system multiple times and like i said only SL seems the be aflicted regardless of what viewer i use:

Here are my stads 

Firestorm 6.4.12 (62831) Dec  3 2020 22:34:49 (64bit / SSE2) (Firestorm-Releasex64) with Havok support
Release Notes

You are at 168,0, 221,9, 25,8 in Serena Fortuna located at ec2-54-186-142-8.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Serena Fortuna/168/222/26
(global coordinates 306.344,0, 293.598,0, 25,8)
Second Life Server 2020-12-09.553685
Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (4008 MHz)
Memory: 32686 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19041.685)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2
Graphics Card Memory: 8192 MB

Windows Graphics Driver Version:
OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 460.89

RestrainedLove API: (disabled)
libcurl Version: libcurl/7.54.1 OpenSSL/1.0.2l zlib/1.2.8 nghttp2/1.40.0
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.0.6
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.01.05
  CEF: 81.3.10+gb223419+chromium-81.0.4044.138
  Chromium: 81.0.4044.138
LibVLC Version: 2.2.8
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Settings mode: Firestorm
Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Grey)
Window size: 2560x1377 px
Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi)
Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt
UI Scaling: 1
Draw distance: 128 m
Bandwidth: 1500 kbit/s
LOD factor: 2
Render quality: High (5/7)
Advanced Lighting Model: No
Texture memory: Dynamic (512 MB min / 10% Cache / 10% VRAM)
VFS (cache) creation time (UTC): 2021-1-7T20:5:58 
Built with MSVC version 1916
Packets Lost: 0/3.544 (0,0%)
January 08 2021 09:56:57 SLT

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Run FurMark v1.24.1.0.  Select GPU Benchmarks Preset: 720.  With your hardware you should get 160 FPS and GPU temperature should level off below 80C.  If you get significantly lower FPS and/or higher GPU temperature then look for cooling problems such as gerbils stuck in a fan or maybe your clock speeds went into a coma.

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38 minutes ago, Ardy Lay said:

Run FurMark v1.24.1.0.  Select GPU Benchmarks Preset: 720.  With your hardware you should get 160 FPS and GPU temperature should level off below 80C.  If you get significantly lower FPS and/or higher GPU temperature then look for cooling problems such as gerbils stuck in a fan or maybe your clock speeds went into a coma.

Thank you for your replay, but i have checked cpu and gpu temprature when running various high demanding games. All runs well en tempratures are way below 80c. Again i only have servere issues with Second life and even on te lowest of low settings fps is not above 7 and changing it to extremely high settings don,t case a further drop. Fps are always consistent around 7

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3 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

.... You have an 8GB GPU and have the Dynamic Texture Memory set to 512 MB, why?

I'd set that to at least 2048 ....

Could you please explain this (or point to an explanation)?  I checked and I have that same setting.  The change to 2048 does help, but I need to understand it.  If 2048 is good, is 4096 (max) better.  What is the trade-off?

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12 minutes ago, Anna Nova said:

Could you please explain this (or point to an explanation)?  I checked and I have that same setting.  The change to 2048 does help, but I need to understand it.  If 2048 is good, is 4096 (max) better.  What is the trade-off?

That particular slider sets the minimum (lsmallest) amount of VRAM that the Viewer reserves for the Texture buffer and the other two sliders set a percentage point of additional VRAM to be reserved.

Say for example, you have a card with eight gigabytes of VRAM: You'd be fairly safe in setting that slider anywhere between 2048 and 4096 (bearing in mind that such is a minimum) and between the default ten percent Additional Texture Memory Cache Reserve to - perhaps - twenty five to fifty percent (meaning that at the most you're dedicating over six gigabytes of VRAM to just the textures). The final slider should be kept sane as well while remembering that it is also allocating a percentage of your VRAM to other Viewer processes.

Using my own setup as an example here: I have an nVidia GTX 980 TI with six gigabytes of VRAM. I also tend to use other applications while on Second Life. I have that slider set to 3,072 (three gigabytes) of VRAM for the minimum. Ten percent additional TMC reserve and the final slider set to ten percent as well. In total I am dedicating about three point six gigabytes of VRAM to Second Life (according to the Viewer settings anyway). The rest is free to be used by all other applications.

And it works well enough!

The settings you - or another user - might have will certainly be different as only you know what your general use case is when using Second Life.

If you don't do much else, you could easily enough get away with dedicating that 4096 as a minimum. Personally I'd not go too hogwild with the percentage sliders and would avoid setting either above fifteen percent.

Play around, see what works best for you.

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11 hours ago, Ardy Lay said:

Run FurMark v1.24.1.0.  Select GPU Benchmarks Preset: 720.  With your hardware you should get 160 FPS and GPU temperature should level off below 80C.  If you get significantly lower FPS and/or higher GPU temperature then look for cooling problems such as gerbils stuck in a fan or maybe your clock speeds went into a coma.

So I did the test and to my surprise My FPS don't get above 4fps on this test while temp stay's below 50C
U checked my PC and it was clean, I cleaned it  to be sure, new test resulted in the same 4 fps and temp below 50C

The I booted up the game prey set all on very high and it runs smoothly, also tested just cause 4 on high and also no issue, Skyrim remastered also no issue, planet coaster also no issue. So at the  moment the only this that seem to be "broken" are second life and Furmark.

And again I also have a lot of lag issues when even not logged in to the network. Starting up any viewer takes normal time but when I then go straight to the preference setting I notice a kind of lag, and sliders take a couple of minutes to show. 

Internet test show a ping of 15, download of around 260mbps and upload of 26mbps

Shutting down firewall etc does also not improve the situation and an old laptop on the same network is still doing okay with SL   

I am at a total loss


Edited by dunajkin
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20 hours ago, dunajkin said:

So I did the test and to my surprise My FPS don't get above 4fps on this test while temp stay's below 50C
U checked my PC and it was clean, I cleaned it  to be sure, new test resulted in the same 4 fps and temp below 50C

The I booted up the game prey set all on very high and it runs smoothly, also tested just cause 4 on high and also no issue, Skyrim remastered also no issue, planet coaster also no issue. So at the  moment the only this that seem to be "broken" are second life and Furmark.

And again I also have a lot of lag issues when even not logged in to the network. Starting up any viewer takes normal time but when I then go straight to the preference setting I notice a kind of lag, and sliders take a couple of minutes to show. 

Internet test show a ping of 15, download of around 260mbps and upload of 26mbps

Shutting down firewall etc does also not improve the situation and an old laptop on the same network is still doing okay with SL   

I am at a total loss


This is precisely why I suggest using Furmark, to test OpenGL.  The driver install should fix it for you.

Edited by Ardy Lay
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