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Adobe Flash Workaround...

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So 31 December 2020 not only saw the end of a rather *****ty year, but also the end of Adobe Flash Player which as far as I'm aware, was the basis for any media played in SL to work.

I'm sure the SL Gods of Creation have been aware about this, but now that it has happened (and I stupidly deleted the Flash Player I did have), what media player add-in is needed to play media content in the SL viewers?

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In terms of the Flash shutdown, my plans were that I would wait to manually tick the "uninstall" on the Adobe Flash pop-up until the last minute of the last hour of the last day, and then test my otherwise well-working TVs.  Which I did, I uninstalled using the pop-up.  But I ran out of time and only yesterday tested my TV's inworld, and though I expected them not to work, they did.

I just checked them again, and they do... I am watching my fav youtube ads (lol) now on my parcel in the sky, and on the ground.  I went to a second location, a rental, and rezzed a tv copy, and yes it works. There is google loading up.

I have no idea what this means, other than the fact that there is some way to (continue) playing at least some tvs, even after one uninstalls flash.  At least for now. 

Adding:  I use Firestorm

Edited by Kyrie Deka
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The death of Flash only affects things that actually use Flash.

Flash is not required for media nor to watch videos on Youtube.

If your TV has stopped working after you uninstalled Flash, the only solution is to find a TV that doesn't use those old Flash-based media-sources or (god forbid) reinstall Flash if you can find an installer.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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1 hour ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

The death of Flash only affects things that actually use Flash.

The problem with that is that common folk really cannot tell which do and which don't use Flash. Recalling how much a pain in the bum I had with tvs getting them to work a few years back (was that the ppapi npapi thing?), I was sure hoping Flash didn't take my working tvs with it :)

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3 minutes ago, Kyrie Deka said:

The problem with that is that common folk really cannot tell which do and which don't use Flash. Recalling how much a pain in the bum I had with tvs getting them to work a few years back (was that the ppapi npapi thing?), I was sure hoping Flash didn't take my working tvs with it :)

When it comes to media on SL, I couldn't tell either.

What I'm trying to say is that uninstalling Flash doesn't break *everything.* Only some (relatively few) things are going to break, and those things deserve to break. Yeah, it sucks when stuff breaks, but you should still move on to a new product instead of trying to salvage whatever just broke.

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