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My catwa majer soft head won't stop smiling

Jaide Beck

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4 minutes ago, Jaide Beck said:

I logged off repeatedly, opened a new head a few times, checked the animations on the head. Nothing is on. Turned off and turned back on all gestures for the head. Nothing is working. :O(

Try getting a redelivery. Let the creator know there is a HUD problem. 

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I don't have a lot of experience with Catwa's newer heads, but I have had stuck expressions before with other mesh heads. In my experience it's usually due to clicking a static expression and not realizing it. However if you unpacked a new head that should not be the case. I do know from when I did demo the new Catwas, like their older head, they come out of the box basically doing all their animations, and the user has to go in and untick the unwanted face animations.

@Skell Dagger , Catwa's gracious CSR, will be better equipped to help, but I would say check the default lip animation and full face expressions in the separate animation hud to see if any of them are causing the issue. I wish I could be of more help :/.


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