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The City Life


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                Welcome to .TheEstate. Adult Community 
                                      Est. March 2020

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Outset Island/231/191/22

       "An innocent looking-place where nothing is as it seems"



Ever wanted to experience that neighborhood city feel, those actual city views from your window and a variety of public spots to enjoy at the step of your private penthouse?

Then come visit the city level at .TheEstate. and check out our top quality penthouses, each one in their entire own building, with security orbs and .TheEstate'. value for money 1prim to 1linden ratio.


Rentals at .PortCity. with Security Orbs
Danger Gum Motel Apartments - 50L/week 50prims
Schultz Bros Duplex Penthouses - 200L/week 200prims
TMC Modern Loft Penthouses (with Basement) - 300L/week 300prims





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