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Count Burks

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Dear Resident,

Available for rent is a large terrain that is half of a sim in size which is 32768 M². This property is located on a fast Class 8 sim that has plenty of resources available. The island will provide you with a land impact capacity of 15000 prims to build on. The surface of the terrain is 128 by 256 metres large in size. This particular property comes with both Sunset and Sunrise views. The island is suitable for both commercial or residential usage. You can also mix having a home and a shop on the land. If you have breedable animals you are also welcome.

You can IM Count Burks directly in world with all your questions that you might have and to speak about your particular requirements in terms of buildings and structures that you would like to place on your land. You can directly teleport to the island by clicking on the link below.



Do not hesitate to IM Count Burks directly in world.


Count Burks


Count Burks Estates - Excellent Land For A Modest Price


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10 hours ago, Erin Mahoney said:

Is 15 prims for entire island?

Do you split prims with a renter?


Erin Mahoney

Hello Erin,

You receive half of a full sim with 15000 prims. You do not share or split prims with other people. You receive your full amount of land and all 15000 prims that come with the island.

You can contact me in world and also visit the island of course to take a look. If you need land that is a bit smaller I also have this available.

You can visit the island directly in world by CLICKING ON THIS LINK

Speak to you soon Erin,


Count Burks

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This island did sell. When you would like to have an island with plenty of prims you can IM Count Burks directly in world today. Also keep an eye on these forums for more land listings by Count Burks Estates in the near future.


Count Burks

Count Burks Estates - Excellent Land For A Modest Price



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