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Groups - All 69 Groups have now been reset to Yes-Receive Group Instant Messages?

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I turn off all group notices/instant messages of all groups I join.  Methodic, no question.  Equal peeve about message cap notices, when I am on every day and they still get capped (because of all the notices) - so I turn it all off, always have, always will.  This has worked predictable in the past for years, it always takes, most of my groups are whittled down to those I frequent a lot so there isn't much change in groups...

Today I notice I have blue-dot/chiclets all across the top of my screen for
Group IM discussions

 - to then check to find out that all 69 of my groups

now have Yes-Receive Group Instant Messages checked.

Whatever happened, it did not reset "Receive group notices" or "Show in my profile" - it only added a checkmark to the "Receive group instant messages" option to every single group I have.


Now I am opening all groups and resaving.  


I recall no "group setting" were I as a user could "accidentally" reset all those myself in one/two clicks, or a user bulk-change... I could be wrong and if so correct me please if there is a setting like that, but...


What new madness is this?



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