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Group Roles/Abilities


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I just hired a new manager - set the role abilities which I would think appropriate for a manager to have including being able to change the stream on the land.  I rent several parcels and one is for a music venue.  Unfortunately, she is not able to put a new stream in the land.  What am I missing?  Does my manager have to be an officer?  I do not want my  manager to be an owner.  What am I doing wrong or not seeing?  Thanks for any help.

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27 minutes ago, IMGypsy said:

I just hired a new manager - set the role abilities which I would think appropriate for a manager to have including being able to change the stream on the land.  I rent several parcels and one is for a music venue.  Unfortunately, she is not able to put a new stream in the land.  What am I missing?  Does my manager have to be an officer?  I do not want my  manager to be an owner.  What am I doing wrong or not seeing?  Thanks for any help.

Is the land deeded to the group? Can she do anything else set for her to do eg eject or rez? It probably has to be deeded to the group but i'm no expert in this x

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26 minutes ago, IMGypsy said:

I just hired a new manager - set the role abilities which I would think appropriate for a manager to have including being able to change the stream on the land.  I rent several parcels and one is for a music venue.  Unfortunately, she is not able to put a new stream in the land.  What am I missing?  Does my manager have to be an officer?  I do not want my  manager to be an owner.  What am I doing wrong or not seeing?  Thanks for any help.

She definitely does NOT need to be an owner in order to change land parcel stream, or even an officer. 

Just to verify, for the manager role, you set the "Change music & media settings" ability under "Parcel Settings" sections of abilities?   That should be the only setting required for setting the music stream.

Is the land just set to the group?  There are some differences sometimes between when the land is set but not deeded, and when it's deeded, but I'm not sure if this is one of those difference or not. 

If she had another role in the group prior to you setting up this new role, make sure that she has changed her active role/title in the group to the new role.  Sometimes people forget to change from one role to the other when they have more than one role with different abilities in the same group.    She should probably make sure that the land group is her active group, also.  And if there are multiple parcels, that she is in the correct parcel. 


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yes just set to group and yes I verified that it was the right role in the right group.  Yup she definitely is using the right group for the right parcel.  I am so baffled.  I know there have been several issues the past week or so in SL but did not see any alerts for this kind of thing.


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The venue group is for guests only NO staff.  My staff group is for hosts, artists (I have galleries) and live performers and spoken word hosts.  That is only for staff and my manager is on that group.  AND she also has my perms to change my physical stuff and I have her's.  And never do I deed to the land but when I setup the groups I use me and the main staff group.  Hope that makes sense.  

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Her having permissions to change your physical stuff is a setting that doesn't have anything to do with the parcel settings - that's done on a person basis rather than a parcel basis.

I haven't heard of any issues with group settings for parcel abilities recently.

Have you had this work in the past with the land just set to the group and not deeded to the group?    

I don't have any other ideas, but I'm sure that there are others with more experience than I have with groups and land, so hopefully you'll get some other ideas or answers before too long. 


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I realize that the personal perms have nothing to do with this.  I never have had a Manager before but common sense is to give them the right perms/abilities and they are all appropriate for the level of her role.  I have owned land and rented land always have had music venues.  And even the sim owner checked to make sure nothing he had setup should interfere.  Hopefully someone will know the answer.  Thanks everyone.

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1 hour ago, IMGypsy said:

I realize that the personal perms have nothing to do with this.  I never have had a Manager before but common sense is to give them the right perms/abilities and they are all appropriate for the level of her role.  I have owned land and rented land always have had music venues.  And even the sim owner checked to make sure nothing he had setup should interfere.  Hopefully someone will know the answer.  Thanks everyone.

Did you try deeding the land?

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group role abilities properties have always been a bit iffy. Sometimes they take quite a while to surface as an ability for the person in that person's viewer. Sometimes they never surface in any reasonable time, in which case then try toggle/reset the ability and hope. Often too the person has to relog for their viewer to update the abilities


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Well the role ability she has had since she came on board over 30 days ago but until our board developed an issue - she did not have to try to put the stream directly into the land.  Here's the thing:  our last event was on Dec 27th - we do not run 24/7 - so the next time we had live events was on Sunday January 3rd.  My boards were working!  No issue.  There is a manager button on the board where the host can put in the performers stream efficiently.  NEVER a problem.  On Sunday we tried and even I couldn't do it - the code was internet exploded(response: 200) a connection issue.  So logically and rationally WHAT happened between December 27th and January 3rd?  I do have a support ticket in to the creator to find out if/what happened to his board.  Then we discovers she could not put the stream in the land.  I am not a noob and I am very computer savvy plus I have always had venues (sure that doesn't count for a lot but. . .  and with some of the issues the past few weeks in SL . . . well I am grasping for answers.  Now if I try deeding that parcel to the staff group, can I undo that - I have never never had to deed any parcel I've ever had.  So sign me perplexed, befuddled, (still calm and rational) but . . .

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I'm sorry the putting stream in land was not needed at that time - but when the boards weren't working then we discovered that.  I honestly think the land needs to be deeded on that parcel.  

This morning the boards are working voila to an extent.  I do want to have my premium ability to chat with support but I cannot find that link.  It is slowly working it's self out but I am convinced that between 12/27 when everything worked perfectly (other then the untested putting streams directly in the land) and then after the new year the board and other minor things went BOOM!

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1 hour ago, IMGypsy said:

This morning the boards are working voila to an extent.  I do want to have my premium ability to chat with support but I cannot find that link.  It is slowly working it's self out but I am convinced that between 12/27 when everything worked perfectly (other then the untested putting streams directly in the land) and then after the new year the board and other minor things went BOOM!

is probably something to do then with the general wonkiness of the grid as it goes thru the cloud uplift process. I would suggest still filing a JIRA if only to inform the Linden dev team of the issue you are having, they can add it to their list of things to check for

not sure if you have tried it already but often a region restart fixes quite a few wonky.  When all else falls turn it off and turn it back on and hope

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1 hour ago, IMGypsy said:

I honestly think the land needs to be deeded on that parcel.

i don't know about parcels that are only set to group. My parcels I deed to group or own it directly with no group

for your manager then yes I think you are right. Some group parcel abilities typically only apply when the parcel is owned by the group

typically tho I do what you have done.  Have a audio stream changer script in a box.  Other people touch/interact with the box to change the audio, which works fine, no matter if I own the parcel myself or parcel is owned by my group

with a scripted audio changer then the person interacting with the box need only get validation from the box script to operate it. Like script checks for llSameGroup() for example, or there can be a notecard with the uuids of the permitted persons 

for example on my garage parcel, the audio changer is set to allow anyone to change the radio stream from the list of radio streams that I like


Edited by Mollymews
reorder pars
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and I have the DGX-1000 Broadcaster which has ALWAYS worked and then after January 1st boom - it blew up.  Frankly, when I have an intuitive Broadcaster that will identify the live performer and my hosts/manager can access the "manager" tab on it - NO ONE need to drop streams in the land.  That's why I bought it.  But suddenly between 12/27 and 1/3/21 her role abilities went out the door.  I do have a ticket in with my premium support now - so maybe we can discover why.  It is simple mystifying and frustrated.  Thanks Molly for all your help.  

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UPDATE:  weird but I do belief while we were on hiatus for a week - we had some mischief on the land.  Seems my broadcaster was missing the receiver.  Rezzed a new one and voila - everything works again on the board AND for the manager.  Talk about Freeky!  Whew.  Thanks everyone.  A small thing and it's not big enough to notice it but was the issue.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/5/2021 at 8:59 PM, IMGypsy said:

UPDATE:  weird but I do belief while we were on hiatus for a week - we had some mischief on the land.  Seems my broadcaster was missing the receiver.  Rezzed a new one and voila - everything works again on the board AND for the manager.  Talk about Freeky!  Whew.  Thanks everyone.  A small thing and it's not big enough to notice it but was the issue.  

I believe you have to have your land grouped to give other people roles to do things on it.

All media has to be deeded to the group to work.

This is either done directly on the media object, or as you just discovered, there's a receiver. Usually that has to be deeded as well.

To paste a stream into the land, they have to have a role that gives them the power to "change about land". Scroll through the roles and their powers and you will see that there is one that lets them change things on the land. But you don't want to grant them "sell land".

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