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CyberAngel Shoulder Armor


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16 minutes ago, LordHappycat said:

Looking for something like this. Is it anywhere? I only have one and it's only for the left shoulder. I could've sworn there was a pair of them.


Did you check who the creator is and if they have a store?  Easiest way to find out if there is a pair available.

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Oh my god, thank you so much for showing that to me. I've had that item for a few years now and I've always thought that it was a pair. It made me a little crazy at times thinking "did I delete the other half?!" because that could've happened. This was a No-Copy item and I do an awful lot of changing things around in my inventory.

But I know now I'm missing the Large size piece, but I think with what I have left of it, a resize script will do nicely, so it won't matter. Again, thanks so much!

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