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Made my first rigged mesh dress, now the underside is alpha'd out. Help?

Selene Audion

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Hi everyone!

Newbie mesh creator here. I successfully created my first dress and imported it to SL with a texture map that works beautifully! Except for one teeny tiny little thing...

The underside of the mesh is invisible. I'm not sure what setting I have to change to prevent this. How do I make the whole mesh dress opaque? What did I do wrong?

I'm using Blender and Avastar. I actually use CLO3D (basically the same program as MD except for real world clothing and design). I was pretty excited when I found out my program can be used to create 3D models of clothes I make in real life. I've spent the last four days learning as much as I could to get this far. Now I have this little hiccup and can't seem to find the right keywords to search for a solution - either a video or a reply here in the forums. So it's come to this: I'm posting a new topic in the forums, hoping some kind and patient soul could point out my mistake here.

I feel like I missed a step. But still, I'm pretty proud I made it this far. My strengths lie in fashion design and sewing in real life. The 3D design world is pretty new to me. I've only been using CLO since August of last year.

The dress in the pics is one I made RL. It was a simple construction, so I thought it was a perfect beginner's tool to try to import into a virtual space.

But about that alpha underside . . . help?

Winter Selene_018.png

Winter Selene_019.png

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11 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

Meshes are one sided only, so what you're seeing is expected behavior. You need to duplicate the offending faces and reverse their normals, at least if not give it some thickness too in addition to the aforementioned duplication. 

Okay. So I'm assuming this has to be done in Blender then? I am super new to Blender. I'm amazed I got this far.

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10 minutes ago, Selene Audion said:

Okay. So I'm assuming this has to be done in Blender then? I am super new to Blender. I'm amazed I got this far.

Yes it needs to be done in your dcc of choice, in your case Blender will do just fine. 

Edited by OptimoMaximo
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Yup, in Blender.  Being realistic, though, how much of the inside of the dress does anyone really need to see?  If you make a whole new opaque inside to the dress, that will double the verts in your model. The only people who will notice are the pervs who look up your skirt, and that's not what they are looking for.  So, maybe add a row or two of visible stuff at the hem and around the collar, but forget the rest.

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2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

So, maybe add a row or two of visible stuff at the hem and around the collar, but forget the rest.

She's new to Blender and 3d for games, so it's unlikely she got to retopo the model with clean loops, and that dress comes straight out of clo3d with unforeseeable geometry arrangement. I'd say grab a chunk of the mesh and duplicate/reverse, but for the rest, like do not duplicate the whole dress, I agree. 

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Hmm... Would it work if I started in the CLO version to just Clone Layer Under to the parts I need to have texture on the underside as well? Similar to a lining on a real garment? It creates a new pattern piece in CLO for this...

And  yeah, again, super new. Blender is an alien world to me. But clothing patterns I understand. It's scary and exciting.

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14 minutes ago, Selene Audion said:

Hmm... Would it work if I started in the CLO version to just Clone Layer Under to the parts I need to have texture on the underside as well? Similar to a lining on a real garment? It creates a new pattern piece in CLO for this...

And  yeah, again, super new. Blender is an alien world to me. But clothing patterns I understand. It's scary and exciting.

Yes that would work as well, just remember to reverse the pattern facing normals. I have experience with MD only, it's the option to reverse the facing direction of the pattern, but I'm sure it's available in clo3d as well

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54 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

Yes that would work as well, just remember to reverse the pattern facing normals. I have experience with MD only, it's the option to reverse the facing direction of the pattern, but I'm sure it's available in clo3d as well

Yep. CLO is exactly the same as MD, but with some added features - like avatar sizing and printing to a pattern plotter. Same company. Slightly different applications. MD is for 3D game fashions and costumes. But all the menus are the same.

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When it comes to "closing off" open clothes like this, including other things like pant legs and sleeves, an efficient trick that is very commonly used in other games is duplicating the outside edge (or near it) and "pushing it in" to create a cone that hides the hole.

f72f82268e.png df3c83164b.png

The dress looks great by the way.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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4 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

When it comes to "closing off" open clothes like this, including other things like pant legs and sleeves, an efficient trick that is very commonly used in other games is duplicating the outside edge (or near it) and "pushing it in" to create a cone that hides the hole.

f72f82268e.png df3c83164b.png

The dress looks great by the way.

Hey thank you so much! I'm . . . I'm trying... T-T

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22 hours ago, Quarrel Kukulcan said:

You can turn on a feature called Backface Culling in Blender to make it operate like SL and only draw the front sides of your polygons. It's useful for predicting how things will look in-world. Here's where it is in the current versions (2.8 / 2.9):


it should really be on by default, what is wrong with the Blender devs...

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