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Hi all,


I have just created a Parcel with the german commen name "Sperrbezirk" as in SL Seach this nam for a location did not come up.

Now a Group contacted me because the Group has this name (Sperrbezirk) as well and request o change the name of that parcel because they own this name.

Can one secure the name for a parcel? And if so, how can I secure a name for my parcels?


Best Regards


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If you want to make your parcel searchable, you need to check the box in World >>> About Land >>> Options that says "Show Place in Search (L$30/week)"  .  You will be paying $L30 every week until you UNcheck the box.  It usually takes a day or two for the system to recognize that you have checked the box, so your parcel might not show up in Search at first.  Also, note that you cannot check that box unless you own the parcel or -- if you are renting it -- have been given permission by the parcel owner.


You do not need to pay attention to the message that you received from the group named "Sperrbezirk".  Although obviously nobody else can use it as the name for another group, they cannot forbid you to use the name in other ways.  A parcel name is not unique.  Many people could use the same name if they wish.

ETA:  If you want to remain on friendly terms with that other group, you might wish to give your parcel a slightly different name, like "Sperrbezirk II"  :)


Edited by Rolig Loon
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