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Vanishing regions and other server problems over the New Year weekend


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We do have a thread on the Vanishing Region problem, which seems to have ended. But Patch Linden locked the thread, there has been nothing on Status, so how can people know if it has been fixed, or which regions have recovered?

The asset servers have been erratic for a couple of hours.

I have seen concurrency graphs, it's rare for there to be less than 30,000 accounts to be logged in. That minimum is more than half the maximum, and comes when good little Lindens should be tucked up snug in their beds.

Linden Lab does seem to be struggling with a customer base that has such a substantial non-US component, different clocks and different holidays.

I don't expect any quick fixes, the COVID-19 pandemic is getting worse, and one effect in the UK is more than doubling of total internet traffic.

Stay safe, everyone. But some things, nothing to do with the pandemic, are going to have to change.


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I can understand why the previous thread was locked, (although I think it was a slight over-reaction), as it risked becoming a blame-game. We do need a thread where we can share and discuss in-world problems, because raising support tickets doesn't allow for exchanging views and possible workarounds.

Generally this holiday break I saw fewer TP problems than I usually expect, but, a region I pop in and out of suddenly threw up the "Teleport Failed, routed to wrong region" error which then seemed to cure itself after a few hours, and another piece of mainland I often visit stopped accepting TPs, although it still showed on the map. Compared to the previous Christmas Season it was remarkably trouble-free (just my opinion).

Perhaps what is needed somewhere in SL is an equivalent to the Japanese management straw-dummies where disgruntled employees can take out their pent-up frustrations? Is this the cue for a "Punch Linden" ?

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I think by now a LOT of people have recognized the problems if they have any group chats that they see :D.  I alerted all my friends with sims that don't log in all that often. My store sim seemed like a safe place to be yesterday but elsewhere I was crashing to black screen (one place three times in ten minutes with draw distance down to 50 and inside an almost empty building). So ISSUES for sure. But most of us have been here many times before over the years and hopefully the Lindens will be back at work soon.  Fingers crossed. 


The oddest thing that I found and this might be helpful to those trying to fix the problems is that when I relogged from a black screen crash (did not need to restart the computer - on SL viewer died) I didn't come back to "last location" where I had been but to a place maybe 60 meters away where I had been to that sim two days before.  I can't remember that ever happening before.  So that's my report.  

May today be a bit easier. 


EDIT:  Also unpacking scripts (some anyway) are not working. They say they have unpacked but they do not. So rezzing and "unboxing" will get the products you need. 

Edited by Chic Aeon
adding info
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Yes, I also had the unpacking problem, so just changing regions, then it worked OK.

On the topic closure, I think the person's comments were too much, but as an Asian, we are used to having to be more careful about what we say, so I think it would be better to be more careful.

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This is the sort of concurrency graphing I am getting The general shape is typical (times are UTC) but the fall-off this morning was a little faster, and the current rise is a little slower, The step after the peak is usually a bit more obvious, too. The peak fits European evenings and US afternoons and the step matches US evenings. I'm used to time zones, but 08:00 on this graph is midnight in California.

Screenshot_2021-01-02_14-03-42.png.438c2e4437ac5e2e070beb1a31350e6d.png than the usual

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I logged in a while ago with an alt, and decided to switch to my main to do some more redecorating in my house. Found that not only was I a cloud, I also couldn't rez or remove anything. So I decided to log back in to the alt which was previously okay, and now that one's a cloud as well. I should have stayed on the alt. 😖

Someone forgot to wind up the rubber band on the asset servers.


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Same here, although i could rez parts of my body the baking service seem to fail as i stay grey no matter what i do.

Rezzing works but i can't take objects back otr delte them. And i get an "Cannot derez due to inventory fail"


Status page was updated just now as i write:

Issues with Rezzing, Scripts, and appearing as a Cloud



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