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Rezzed TV in SL

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I  need to ask about the Rezzed TV in SL. I am not a IT Techie person so please pardon me.

I recent came across a RezzedTV in my friend's house. When i switch it on, the TV,  i am surprise it shows my Second Life account page and its logged on.

I am very concerned about personal information leaking. My question is this, when i switch on this type of high tech TV with the present of many friends and guest around me staring at the same monitor. Will other parties see my personal information? After i switched off that same TV will the owner of that TV have access to our personal information?


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6 hours ago, Earthwatervirgo said:

Will other parties see my personal information? After i switched off that same TV will the owner of that TV have access to our personal information?

Disclaimer: I've never heard of "Rezzed TV" so I guess it's theoretically possible they're doing some evil magic to pull stuff from your local computer But that would be happening completely independently of Second Life: it's definitely not how SL "televisions" work.

I won't bore you with all the details, but put simply: what you see on the "television" screen doesn't pass through any SL servers, but rather goes directly from the originating service (typically a video server) to your local machine. Now it is possible for that "originating service" to be a Second Life-related URL, either on a Linden Lab server (which, depending on browser and cookie configuration, may look very personalized, a la https://accounts.secondlife.com/billing_information ) or even served by in-world scripts (which links are ephemeral, changing at least every sim restart).

That means SL isn't a "man in the middle" to your transactions with those services. That's good, but it also means there's nothing SL can do to protect you in your interactions with those services: it's between your machine and the service, as with any other browser.

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The TV most likely uses Shared Media, which - unlike it suggests - doesn't actually share whatever you are seeing what others are seeing. It's basically a web browser running inside the viewer using a prim surface for displaying its content. As Qie already stated, there is a direct connection from that browser in your viewer to whatever page it is displaying. Instead, the TV is apparently configured to display https://secondlife.com/my as start page - that applies to everyone basically turning it on. Then the web browser inside the viewer opens a direct connection to the SL account website. Since the viewer automatically creates a session with the SL website (e.g. for the search feature or web profiles), you will be automatically and already logged in, hence the TV is showing your SL account page. Your friend in his viewer will see his own SL account website.

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