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UUID for PSC license plate?

Jayce Amore

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Hello All, 

I am fairly new to Second Life and am in need of some assistance. I purchased the "PSC General Dubs Series MESH Truck" made by Action and in order to change the license plate I need to input my own  UUID code. I honestly don't know much at all about what a UUID is. I have researched and found that its a long code made up with different numbers. However I don't know how to build the code or find anywhere to generate a code. Please help me out with this Second Life for Dummies issue. Thanks in advance :)

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2 hours ago, JxStyles said:

...in order to change the license plate I need to input my own  UUID code. I honestly don't know much at all about what a UUID is.

It sounds like we're talking about a texture-change script here. A texture is an image, in this case an image of a license plate.

A "UUID" or a "key" is an "identifier," which is how scripts are able to know which specific texture to use (out of the millions of textures in SL).

If you have a full-perm texture, you can right-click it in your inventory and select "Copy Asset UUID" to copy it into your clipboard. Then you can paste it into the script you have.

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