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Body colouring gone all weird on me..

Jazleen Raynier

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I have been away for a long while and on coming back have noticed that my previously normal skin is now blotchy.  As well as on my legs its also on my chest.  I have gone through everything I'm wearing and haven't found anything.  I've tried changing my saved heads and bodies and they're coming out the same. Ive been and bought some new skins and nothing is changing.  I'm using firestorm and have done a complete uninstall and re-installed but no luck. I use Maitreya body and genus head, the skinnery skin. .  

Any ideas, anyone, please because I'm at a total loss.


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Check your graphics settings to make sure they're not set to minimal options. Also ensure that you have SL set to use your GPU rather than any onboard basic graphic processor. The last time that I saw this issue happening to someone they were using an old computer with poor graphics, and a new computer with better graphics sorted the issue out. That would be my guess as to where the issue lies.

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